What is it Called When You Copy Someone’s Work?

What is it Called When You Copy Someone’s Work?

Have you ever come across a piece of writing that seems eerily familiar or perhaps too good to be true?

In today’s digital age, the temptation to copy and paste someone else’s work is all too easy, but what does that mean for the original author and the person committing the act?

In this blog, we will look into the issues of plagiarism and explore the age-old question: “What is it called when you copy someone’s work?”

We’ll discuss the various forms of plagiarism, why it matters, and how to avoid falling into the plagiarism trap.

So, let’s embark on this intellectual journey to better understand the importance of respecting and crediting the hard work and creativity of others.

What is it Called When You Copy Someone’s Work?

When you copy someone’s work without giving them proper credit, it is called plagiarism.

It is an unethical practice that involves using someone else’s ideas, words, or creations without acknowledging the original author.

In academic, professional, and creative settings, it is taken very seriously and can result in significant consequences.

To maintain the integrity and produce original work, it is essential to understand and avoid plagiarism by properly citing sources, paraphrasing, and developing your own unique voice.

Some examples of plagiarism:

  • Copying and pasting a paragraph from a website into a research paper without citing the original source.
  • Paraphrasing a section of a book or article without giving proper credit to the original author.
  • Using someone else’s artwork or images in a presentation or project without obtaining permission or giving proper attribution.

Types of Plagiarism

There are several types of plagiarism, each with its own characteristics and implications. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ones:

Global Plagiarism

This type of intellectual theft occurs when a person submits an entire work (such as an essay, research paper, or project) created by someone else as their own.

This can involve purchasing a pre-written paper from an online source, hiring a ghostwriter, or submitting a friend’s work as your own.

It is considered a severe form of academic dishonesty and can result in significant consequences.


It occurs when you reuse your own work, such as a previous essay or paper, without proper citation.

This might seem harmless, but it’s important to remember that each assignment requires original thought and research.

Patchwork Plagiarism

It is also known as mosaic plagiarism.

This occurs when someone takes phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from different sources and combines them to create a new piece of content without using quotation marks.

Even if the writer changes some words or modifies sentence structure, it is still considered literary theft if proper citation is not given.

Verbatim Plagiarism

Verbatim plagiarism, also known as direct plagiarism, involves copying and pasting online content from a source without making any changes or providing proper citations.

This can include lifting entire paragraphs, sentences, or phrases from a source and incorporating them into one’s own work without acknowledgment.

It is easily detectable and can lead to severe penalties.

Paraphrase Plagiarism

Paraphrase plagiarism occurs when someone rewrites someone else’s work in their own words but fails to acknowledge the original source.

Even if the wording is different, the idea still belongs to the original author and must be cited.

It can be more challenging to detect but is still considered dishonest and unethical.

Why Does Plagiarism Matter?

Plagiarism matters for several reasons, which include the ethical, academic, professional, and legal implications it carries.

Here’s why appropriation of another’s work is a serious concern:

Ethical implications: Appropriation of another’s work is fundamentally dishonest and undermines the values of trust and integrity.

By plagiarising, you misrepresent someone else’s work as your own, which is unfair to the original creator and damages your credibility.

Academic implications: In educational settings, it is a serious violation of academic integrity.

Schools and universities require original work to assess students’ understanding and skills. It can lead to failing grades, loss of scholarships, or even expulsion.

Professional implications: It can harm your professional reputation and career prospects. In fields such as journalism, publishing, and research, a history of plagiarism may result in job loss, difficulty finding new employment, or a tarnished reputation within the industry.

Legal implications: It can lead to legal consequences, especially when it involves copyrighted material. The original author may file a lawsuit for copyright infringement, which can result in financial penalties or, in some cases, even imprisonment.

Creativity and intellectual growth: Literary theft stifles creativity and intellectual growth. When you rely on the work of others, you miss out on the opportunity to develop your own ideas, voice, and critical thinking skills.

To foster creativity and maintain your credibility, it’s essential to understand and avoid unintentional plagiarism.

Is it Possible for Words and Ideas to be Taken Without Permission?

While words and ideas might not be tangible objects that can be physically stolen, they do represent the intellectual property of the creator.

When you use someone else’s words or ideas without proper attribution, you are essentially taking credit for their intellectual work, which is considered theft in an intellectual sense.

Intellectual property rights, such as copyright laws, exist to protect the interests of authors, artists, and creators, ensuring they receive proper recognition and compensation for their work.

By plagiarising, you violate these rights and undermine the value of original thought and creative expression.

Moreover, the theft of words and ideas can have a detrimental impact on the advancement of knowledge and creativity.

When people feel that their work can be taken without consequence, they may be less motivated to share their ideas or engage in intellectual pursuits.

By respecting intellectual property and avoiding copying someone’s work, you contribute to a culture that values and rewards creativity, originality, and intellectual growth.

Understanding Plagiarism in Multimedia Content

Copying someone’s work is not limited to written content; it also applies to images, videos, and music.

Using someone else’s visual or auditory creations without proper permission or attribution is considered a form of intellectual theft, and it can carry similar consequences as plagiarising written work.

Here’s what you need to know about copying other’s work in these formats:


Unauthorised use of photographs, illustrations, or other visual content without permission or proper citation is a form of plagiarism.

Let’s say you are creating a presentation on environmental issues and you find a stunning image of a melting glacier on the internet.

Without realising it, you save the image and use it in your presentation without giving proper attribution or checking if it is copyrighted.

Later, you find out that the image is copyrighted and you have infringed on the owner’s rights by using it without permission.

To avoid this, make sure to obtain permission from the original creator, use royalty-free images, or cite the source correctly.


Copying and sharing video content without the creator’s permission or acknowledgment can also be considered plagiarism.

For example, you are creating a promotional video for your company and you want to include a clip of a popular song that you think fits the mood of the video.

Without checking if you have the right to use the song, you include it in your video and upload it to your company’s website.

Later, you receive a copyright infringement notice and are forced to take down the video.

To avoid video plagiarism, obtain the necessary permissions, use videos under Creative Commons licenses, or properly attribute the source.


Unauthorised use or distribution of music, such as using a copyrighted song in a video or downloading music without proper licensing, constitutes plagiarism.

For example, you are a musician and you want to create a remix of a popular song.

Without obtaining permission from the original artist, you create the remix and upload it to your social media account.

Later, you receive a cease and desist letter from the artist’s legal team, citing copyright infringement.

To avoid infringing on music copyrights, obtain the appropriate licenses, use royalty-free music, or provide proper credit to the original artist.

In all cases, it is crucial to respect the intellectual property rights of the original creators.

By doing so, you maintain your integrity, contribute to a culture that values creative work, and avoid the ethical, legal, and professional consequences associated with plagiarism.

Please check out the original version of this article on the?Bytescare Blog?to familiarise yourself with every detail and aspect of it.



