What is Business as Usual?
With everything that is going on with Covid19, I've seen a lot of terms used repeatedly and one of them is Business As Usual (BAU) and it got me thinking what is BAU?
As a business owner in many ways it's natural to stay positive, rise to the challenge, come up with a plan and work your way through challenging times.
The speed at which the Covid19 crisis has impacted business and life in general has taken most people by surprise.
In my opinion, nothing about the current situation is USUAL
When the situation first started to impact my business and our clients, I encouraged my team to send out the message BAU, in many ways as a stance – we are still open for business!
But from a recruitment point of view it soon became clear it was anything but business as usual!
People were going into self-isolation, meetings and interviews were cancelled, Skype interviews were used to overcome the initial disruption, however eventually things gradually ground to a halt.
Many companies were and still are in crisis and survival mode, looking at their business plans, business models, in many ways having to adapt to remote working and how to operate within social distancing parameters. In many ways, it’s day to day at the moment working with an unknown future landscape.
Furlough was a word most of us had never heard of!
Having the time to take stock, one thing that has struct me is people on the whole are good and generally want to help each other during difficult and worrying times. I've witnessed some real acts of generosity and kindness.
People have referred to a war time mentality and all pulling through together!
So, although times are tough there are some real positives that have come out of this situation but it's definitely not BUSINESS AS USUAL - stay healthy and safe.
All the best,
Gary Pike, Founder & MD Right International
Tel: 01932 216010. Email: [email protected]