What is a Business Plan and Why is it Important?

What is a Business Plan and Why is it Important?

Hai readers, i would like to introduce myself. My name is Annisa Razak I am a 6th grade student majoring in Corporate Communication, Tanri Abeng University. My goal in writing this article is to fulfill an Entrepreneurship course assignment.

I think that the Business Plan is a written plan that explains how an activity is carried out so that the goals that have been set can be achieved. For novice businessmen, the function of a business plan is very important to make sure and become the main consideration for investors who will invest their capital.

A business plan lays out a company roadmap that contains complete information on marketing, financial, and operational strategies. A business plan is an important document used for the external audience as well as the internal audience of the company. For example, a business plan to attract investment must be able to describe the company's plan for use by investors and creditors. While very useful for new businesses, every company should have a business plan. Ideally, the plan is reviewed and periodically reviewed to see if the objectives have been achieved or have changed and developed. sometimes, a new business plan is created to map a business that has been decided to move in a new direction.

A good business plan should outline all the possible costs and possible risks of every decision the company makes. Business plans, even among competitors in the same industry, are rarely identical. But each company's business plan tends to have the same basic elements, including a business summary and description of the business, its services, and products. It also states how the business is aimed at achieving goals.

Reasons for Making a Business Plan

  • In a business plan, you have a written document regarding the idea and the overall business plan. This can be useful for attracting investors.
  • If your business plan is really mature and detailed, this will help you in changing your business idea so that it continues to grow in the future. Therefore, consider all the elements in a business plan.
  • You will know in advance - the achievements that occur in your business that have been made in the business plan. In addition, you can also find out what to fix in the event of a failure.

9 Important Components in Making a Business Plan

  1. Executive Summary, contains the outline of the business made, vision and mission and business goals. Tips for you, make a summary summary that sells, consisting of 1-2 pages.

2. Introduction, contains background such as company data and the people behind your business, company structure, consultants or experts and the composition of shareholders. In addition, there is also a vision, mission, and business objectives to be carried out.

3. Market and Marketing Analysis, market analysis of the products you offer as well as competitors who have similar businesses and the advantages of your business compared to competitors. In another sense, this is a strategy and planning in the marketing of the business that is carried out.

4. Analisis Produksi, sistem operasi bisnis. Seperti bagaimana cara produksi bisnis Anda, apakah menciptakan barang baru atau menambah daya guna suatu benda tanpa harus mengubah bentuknya.

5. Analisis Sumber Daya Manusia, berisi tentang orang-orang yang dibutuhkan. Bagaimana rencana pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam bisnis Anda.

6. Analisis Keuangan, peramalan pemasukan, pengembalian modal, pengembalian atas investasi, perhitungan daya ungkit, pendanaan berupa modal yang sekarang Anda miliki dan berapa yang Anda butuhkan untuk menjalankan bisnis. Sertakan juga rincian dari mana Anda mendapatkan modal yang dimiliki sekarang.

7. Peluang Bisnis, penjelasan masalah secara rinci serta solusi dari masalah tersebut. Jangan lupa tuliskan keunggulan dari ide bisnis yang ditawarkan dan sebutkan target bisnis Anda.

8. Eksekusi bisnis, berisi tentang bagaimana bisnis dijalankan. Bagaimana sistem operasional dari perusahaan Anda. Termasuk penyaluran jasa atau produk yang Anda tawarkan.

9. Lampiran,?mencakup surat-surat seperti perizinan yang menyatakan bisnis Anda legal atau sertifikat yang sekiranya dimiliki oleh bisnis Anda.

5 Steps to Making a Business Plan

1. Doing Research

Through the research done, you can better understand your business. If at any time there is difficulty, you can deal with it quickly because you really understand the ins and outs of your own business. In addition, the results of the research you have done can be used as a benchmark for developing new products and expanding your business network.

2. Setting Business Goals

With a definite goal, you can make various decisions based on what you want to achieve in the future.

3. Create a Company Profile

Create a clear and detailed company profile so that one day you make a presentation to get business funding, potential investors can immediately see what you are running clearly because of a complete and detailed explanation.

4. Recording All Financial Transactions

also pay attention or audit inventory by viewing warehouse application reports to ensure your inventory is not a problem.

5. Have a Marketing Strategy

You have to manage your finances well. One way to make it easier for you to manage finances is to use accounting software.


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