What will business look like tomorrow?
John Whitaker J.P.
Managing Director @ Branded Products Global | Marketing Communications
The way we work has changed forever. The conducting of business has evolved and many of these changes will not revert back to pre Covid-19 days.
We have proved that when push comes to shove, we can adapt and many of these changes will remain in place in one form or another.
With technology like Zoom and Microsoft teams, virtual meetings can be as productive as sitting around a table. There is also the time and cost savings in travel, whether on the road or traveling interstate and so on, are all going to be a factor moving forward.
Hot Desking will definitely become more the norm with many of us spending 1 or 2 days a week working from home. Why?
1. We are proving that working from home for 1-2 days can work and managers will know whether we are doing the right thing or not.
2. The reduction in time wasted travelling (2-3 hours per day or more) together with reducing the cost of travel will benefit employees. The added bonus for employees will be the extra family time which for many of us, has been lacking and in many cases will allow us to increase productivity.
Just think, the less time we spend on public transport packed in like sardines or stuck in heavy traffic for hours each day plus the reduction in pollution must be a good thing.
It is a win win situation.
3. Businesses through increased Hot Desking can further reduce the amount of expensive floor space when leasing or buying.
4. With all the technology available now, why travel interstate or drive across town for a couple of meetings when we can Zoom unless a physical interaction is required.
A friend, who is the Chief Operating Officer of a major retail chain, complained that he had to put on a business shirt for a virtual meeting the other day. He did not say what he was wearing off screen - shorts, thongs?
5. We should see a reduction in sick days by reducing exposure to others with contagious conditions as staff who are ill are able to work from home, if their illness permits, and not spread the virus or illness through the office.
Don’t get me wrong, there will always be a need for business travel, attending conferences, events and trade shows. There will always be the need for humans to be in a room of like-minded people where we can exchange ideas, network or touch and feel new products. Ultimately nothing can replace what can be achieved in a physical meeting or event compared to online and it never will.
Strengthening and building relationships is vital, however, industries like airlines, event & conference centres and accommodation etc. will be forced to adapt. It will never be quite the same as the pre Covid-19 days.
In the last week, my wife, who is working from home as well, had a virtual morning coffee break with 4 colleagues and last Friday she and 10 colleagues had virtual Friday drinks after work using Microsoft teams. Not ideal but under certain circumstances it is better than nothing.
Moving forward Voluntary Social Isolation will never completely disappear but we will always need physical social interaction and that will never change.
The way we do business will never quite be the same again. Let’s retain the good things that have come out of this current crisis but not forget what has worked so well with regards to the important aspects of our personal and business lives.