Wellbeing in the Workplace -what business can learn from schools

Wellbeing in the Workplace -what business can learn from schools

“Those that can do, those who can’t teach.”

Business has a habit of looking down on those of us who work in Primary and Secondary Education. So, given the bad press, what could business ever learn from schools? 

Well, one area where schools may be ahead of the curve is on the issue of wellbeing in the workplace.

Wellbeing in the workplace

Employee wellbeing has been working its way up the agenda over the past twenty years and its importance has begun to impact on business thinking beyond its traditional habitat of the H.R. Department. Over this time the wider shift in the economy from the industrial to the digital has moved the conversation from ‘Health &. Safety at work’ (the physical) to ‘Workplace Wellness’ (the mental).

For many years mental health has been a bit of a taboo. Slowly, society is beginning to grasp the scale of its mental health problem. According to research published in The Lancet in 2018, there were an estimated 970 million people globally with mental disorders of whom 264 million were affected by depression. (see ‘Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017’, The Lancet 2018; 392: 1789–858). It is generally agreed that the workplace is a significant contributory factor to issues relating to mental health – indeed the World Health Organization recently re-classified ‘Burnout’ as a disease linked to chronic stress at work ’Burn-out an "occupational phenomenon": International Classification of Diseases’ https://www.who.int/mental_health/evidence/burn-out/en/

It is very easy in the fast-moving highly competitive, long-hours working environment that is Hong Kong to see workplace wellness initiatives as soft. But the landscape is changing. It is only in the past year or so that high profile campaigns (such as Head’s Together) have begun to get traction ‘changing the conversation and tackling the stigma around mental health’.

Schools: From Pastoral Care to Wellbeing Initiatives.

Schools are fundamentally caring environments where a pastoral concern for those in our community goes with the territory. Everyone expects teachers to have a duty of care to the children in their classes – teachers are in loco parentis - it has always been an essential part of the job. The consequence is that schools have a considerable wealth of institutional knowledge about wellbeing – it is in their DNA.

Kellett School is part of the ‘Positive Education’ movement which is based on the research into the benefits of ‘Positive Psychology’ developed by Professor Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania. At Kellett we follow a curriculum in which all students have one lesson a week in which they are explicitly taught the skills of Positive Psychology and the science of wellbeing. The aim of this is to foster the attitudes and habits that will enable them to cope with the stresses and strains of life and to thrive in the fast-changing world of the mid-C21. The areas covered include: a growth mindset, a healthy body, a healthy mind, effective communication, positive sense of self, respectful relationships, and resilience. At Kellett, this approach is not limited to our students but also extends to our teaching and non-teaching staff.

So, what are the take-aways from the way in which schools support the wellbeing of their staff and students?

  1. Build Wellbeing into the Week Time is one of our most valuable resources, so by setting aside time each week for Positive Education, we are saying as an organisation that we believe in investing in the personal growth and development of those in our community. The ROI for this is in terms of better internal communication, community relations, enhanced productivity and greater engagement.
  2. Have an embedded long-term commitment to Wellbeing. Wellbeing is a top priority at Kellett – it is one of our “skyscrapers”, areas where we devote significant resources and effort and to which we have a long-term commitment. Positive Education is not just a fad – it is fundamental to what we are as an organisation. Clarity over its status ensures that we don’t bounce from one ad hoc initiative to another; but, instead, have a coherent, embedded programme of development.
  3. Hold community events. Schools, by their very nature, are places where people come together and thus, they are a focus not only for students but also for the wider community. Our Positive Education programme is for all of our stakeholders. By bringing together students, staff and parents in a variety of educational and participatory wellbeing events has meant that we have developed a shared vocabulary that has benefited our whole community.
  4. Use regular questionnaires and follow-up. At Kellett, we regularly ask our students and staff how they are doing, and if there is anything that we can do to better support them. It is important that we are prepared to listen, spot patterns, and embrace suggestions for change. The key to wellbeing questionnaires is not just about data collection and analysis – it is also about action. We actively follow up in a non-judgemental way. Any student or staff-member who self-reports that their personal wellbeing is at a level less than 5/10 is offered counselling support. We need to encourage people to break the silence and to talk about the challenges that they are facing and to give them the support that they need.
  5. Create a culture of support. Professor Martin Seligman flipped the traditional question of ‘What is wrong with you?’ to ‘What is right with you?’ Building on this work, Kellett adopts a strengths-based approach to working with our students and staff, which understands success and achievements in terms of character strengths, rather than flaws. It is an approach that focuses on life-long growth and development. This is reflected in our Staff Appraisal system which focuses on identifying areas where individuals can develop their professional practice and enhance their skills. The impact of this has been a change of culture within our staff who are also now more understanding of one another, creating a culture of support throughout our organisation.

Time for a new model in the workplace

Today employers increasingly are realising that they need to go beyond offering a range of wellness benefits (health insurance, annual health check-ups, gym memberships and in-house yoga or meditation sessions) and to take a great responsibility for employee well-being.

As Charlotte Lieberman argued in a recent Harvard Business Review article,

"The stigma — around mental health and vulnerability more broadly — is not going to be solved simply through better data, nor can it be overcome through an array of shiny amenities. We must learn to accommodate people who are dealing with challenges that are often invisible, undefined, and very difficult to talk about. We must show them that we care and, at the very least, are trying to understand." ‘What Wellness Programs Don’t Do for Workers’ Harvard Business Review August 14 2019

Ultimately, wellbeing in the workplace is about changing the culture – and schools provide an excellent template for how this might be done.

This article was published in the Sept/Oct edition of Britain, the British Chamber in Hong Kong magazine. pp.32-33

Kieron Peacock

Association of British Schools Overseas

4 年

Teachers have all been getting to grips with the new year after a most challenging time since closures in March. Life during the latter part of the last academic year and since the new year began has undoubtedly been tough. Notwithstanding this, at the moment I worry about school leaders - #wellbeingatwork #worklifebalance #pandemicfatigue - they have been, in most cases, working without any real break since Covid's teeth started to gnash and bite into the world of education. Blended learning, working in bubbles, remote/e-learning, or back at school with over a 100+ new rules...wow! It all needs planning, staffing and organising! In addition, owners may, quite understandably, be looking over shoulders with greater scrutiny regarding income and expenditure. #pressure We need to make sure that we 'catch' some of these leaders before they 'fall' and have the right support in place. Even those who perennially 'stand tall whilst those around them fall' might wobble more than ever before.

Olivia Roth

Director of School Evaluation and Development - CIS

4 年

Well-being in the workplace is a non-negotiable. Mark Steed, placing schools firmly in the spotlight as leaders is as it should be - #grateful. We're perfectly placed to learn from students' innate ability to connect with themselves and others. What a privileged position we hold: to remind them and ourselves to get back to centre when they/we forget. After the baptism by fire that was Term 3, Heads have been working throughout the summer to get ready for reopening and dealing with the evershifting goalposts/requirements, their wellbeing is a concern. They are nurturing staff and students, keeping them safe and healthy. Our focus of support must be on these leaders! #workingonit


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