What Brings Real Happiness? Hug me & give me your money!
Yvonne F. Conte
Keynote Speaker, Author, Thought Leader. Great way to kick off the day! Awesome Luncheon Speaker. End conference on a positive note. Sessions are infused with laughter & positivity. (315)727-8668 [email protected]
That's what the experts are saying. People who give away money feel happy. In fact?according to Harvard Business School, if you donate $500. you will feel as wealthy as if you had earned an extra $10,000 in income. I suppose it's true.?I know I feel pretty good when I donate money or give something away.?If I can give you money and hug you that's the cat's meow for me. I'm happier when I hug someone. I'm a hugger. I love it and I'd rather hug you than shake your hand any day. If I go a full day without a hug, I feel a bit down. I don't know what will make you happy, but here's what makes me happy.? ?
Anonymous Notes of Praise
Simple things like giving someone else a pat on the back. Several years ago I started writing anonymous notes to people in my church that I thought were doing an extra special job. I would? write a thoughtful note on a piece of paper and give it to the usher and say, "Please give this note to the bass player.? I want to praise him for this work but I'd like to be anonymous - mum's the word."? I did that for a full year each week praising someone.? It felt great. I walked out of church imagining how good that person will feel when they get my note.?
Get jiggly with it.
When I feel tired, sad, bored or blah I turn up the tunes, in my home, my office or my car.?Then I dance,? well not in the car, but you see where I'm going here.?Get up move, sing, inhale some fresh air. Music makes me feel powerful motivated, energized and ready to go.?Think Gloria Gaynor's?'I will survive' and Rod Stewarts 'Da ya think I'm sexy?'
Create something
I like to paint.?If I want to get a boost I take out a paint brush and just make something. I also like to pencil draw. I think when you are creating anything, be it a flower garden, a new marketing piece,? a piece of art or decorating, the act of creating can be very good for your happiness level.?Prevention Magazine says adults who paint or draw once a week were less likely to snap at their spouse or get impatient at the traffic light then those who don't paint or draw.?
Walk fast
I've actually been asked to slow down many times.?People are always asking me what my rush is.? I'm not in a rush, I just like to walk fast. I walk with purpose. Walking fast makes me feel better. It energizes me and impacts my mood considerably. Skip, jump, run, jog, or just increase your gate a bit and see if it doesn't improve your mood.?
Grateful forThe Blessings
Take some time to look at all the tiny parts of your life that you may take for granted that actually bring you joy. For me, I really marvel at the beauty of flowers. I've been known to stop, park my car and take a picture of a really outstanding bloom.?I think nature is so fascinating. When my little grandson comes into my office and wants to play slapjack or old maid with me, that is a real true joy to me. I don't take that for granted. Ever. Something I think about a lot lately is how blessed I've been to have had a plethora of wonderfully funny, cranky, smart, interesting people in my life. I had one cousin we always called; Drunk Cousin Joe, enough said.? The memories are priceless.
The bottom line is that I believe happiness is a choice.?We choose to be happy or not. The actions we take determine the life we live.?I choose to hug, donate, appreciate others, be creative, dance, sing, be grateful and walk fast. It makes me happy.
Keynote Speaker, Author, Thought Leader. Great way to kick off the day! Awesome Luncheon Speaker. End conference on a positive note. Sessions are infused with laughter & positivity. (315)727-8668 [email protected]