What is Brief Therapy in 2023?-Yildiz
Yildiz Sethi
Let's Take Out The Crap Out of Psychotherapy. Rapid Core Healing for wholistic, effective trauma, sexual-abuse recovery & mental health solutions. training for individuals and organisations.
?As a brief therapist I’m often asked this question. Particularly by people who have done long term therapies personally, or are counsellors or psychotherapists, This is often followed with further questions or comments about, how can that be sufficient for clients with complex or chronic issues? There is often an assumption that brief is shallow, coaching, providing tools or a band-aid approach to deeply felt and real problems.?
The problem is that in doing traditional counselling or psychotherapies, that are mainly talk-based therapies, that were founded as early as 1950-60’s or through to the present. The focus has been on assisting clients to explore their conscious thoughts and feelings in client centred approaches, in the belief they will find their own solutions. There is respect and gentleness in this, which I believe must come forward into the present.
The problem with talk therapies for deeper issues, is that they generally focus on the problem in the present, feelings and thoughts and may try to apply rational thinking in conscious awareness. Focus on the conscious mind, when the roots of the complex, stubborn problems and trauma are repressed and stored in the sub conscious mind, in the limbic system.?Talk therapies don’t have access to this, hence the development of long-term therapies were required, which may go deeper over time. In the early days people didn’t have the knowledge of skills to access and work appropriately with the subconscious mind.
This is no longer the case. Neuroscience is showing that if the mind or brain can be accessed effectively and appropriately in ways that are gentle and do not retraumatise, in helping a client to sort out an inner problem or process a trauma, this may happen in the moment. So the need for long term therapy is no longer the only option.
This is why I prefer to work at cause, wherever that happens to be in each unique individual; conscious, subconscious or generationally based.
?Unfortunately the belief remains for many practitioners and clients, that deep or chronic issues require long periods of time to be worked with.
For a brief therapy to be viable in today’s world, from my view, it should also include up to date knowledge of the mind, brain, neural systems and current psychotherapeutic processes for effective trauma informed processing, self-healing and empowering therapeutic outcomes. Trauma informed counselling normally does not include trauma informed processing
In the Brief therapies I use and have founded, there is an underpinning belief that human beings are resilient and require only brief interventions of help from time to time. This takes place as the need arise, to assist them in self-healing, self-discovery and growth throughout life. This is empowerment based.
This is highly client-centred in utilising the mind and body of the client to go to the cause of a disturbance, conflict or trauma with safe therapeutic processing knowledge and techniques, for fast processing within each session. Clearing one neural pathway at a time through a few sessions.
In these processes, brief therapists attract people who have reached the point of readiness for change, as a prerequisite. This means that deep therapeutic work may frequently start in the first session, once rapport has been established and when the client is ready and has consented to go deeper. Rapport can be formed quickly and does not necessarily require several sessions.
Rather than seeing people for long periods for a lower fee, I see people for short periods at a slightly higher fee, knowing they are resilient and able to digest and make use of what they experience in therapy. My approaches are about resourcing and empowering as well as self-healing and we part company when the client’s original difficulties or trauma symptoms have dissipated and they are ready to move on in life. This is their choice, knowing they can come back, if or whenever they require help.
I am just about to embark on a new set of Certificate online trainings.
Advanced Family Constellations
Business, Health- Wellness and Dis-ease, SCRT Systemic Couples and Relationship Therapy.
Early Bird?and large discount offer. Details?HERE
Entry in Family Constellation certificate training?HERE
Rapid Core Healing Large discount offer?HERE
Practical Trauma Informed Treatment??(PTIT) training?HERE
?Practical Trauma Informed Treatment??(PTIT) for sexual assault. Abuse recovery?HERE
?Next Family Constellations workshop 30 September Tamborine Qld?HERE
Yildiz Sethi Innovator in Mind Science, educator, working with Relationships and trauma based symptoms.