What is Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor? (and why you should care.)
David A. Grant
Nonprofit Founder at BIHN / Author / Keynote Speaker / Disability Advocate
A few short years ago, I was in the toughest place of my life. During my first post-injury year, life was more difficult than anything I had ever imagined. My brain injury had robbed our family of any meaningful stability, had stolen my sense of self, put unbearable stress on my wife, and had essentially ruined life as I knew it.
Yet, fast forward to today, and life is good, not without challenges, but good. I am working again full-time running two companies – one that develops websites and marketing assets for small and medium sized businesses, the other company produces books for aspiring authors.
Professionally, I am back on top of my game again, my wife Sarah and I have emerged stronger than ever, add new grandchildren to the mix, and life is pretty darn good these days.
So how did I get from there to here? From a suicidal-inclined brain damaged forty-nine year old back to someone reengaged with life?
My upcoming Brainline.org article is titled, “What is Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor? (and why you should care.)”
If you read one article this year, make this the one. In this upcoming piece, I write about the science behind how exercise speeds brain injury recovery. It’s quite fascinating – even more so because I live it.
Watch for this informational piece in early June on Brainline.org.