What Is Body Language & Why is it Important?
In this article, we are going to be talking about a very important element of our communication skills. It is Body Language.
Body language is the language which does not require words, It makes use of the postures and gestures we normally display subconsciously. Body language is innate in every person. It is a manifestation of our thoughts and feelings. What this means that everyone having the same type of feeling and emotion will have the same type of body language. In other words, everyone who is feeling tense and nervous will have close body posture, irrespective of what has made them tense and nervous. Similarly, everyone feeling elated and happy will display open body postures irrespective of what made them happy.
Body language includes eye movements, body posture and angle, the position of arms and legs, and proximity of the person from the person he or she is talking with.
As a form of communication, body language affects information exchange continuously. That is why, just on meeting somebody, we form either a good or bad opinion about that person? This is body language speaking subtly. If we have formed a bad opinion about somebody, it is very unlikely that we will have a good conversation with that person. But, if we have formed a good opinion about that person, we will have a good conversation with that person.
Why is body language important?
Why should you pay attention to the body language of others? What will you get out of it you wouldn’t get otherwise?
The answer is “DEFINITELY YES”.
Body language, unlike the spoken word, is much older and much deeper rooted in our brains, minds and bodies. Body language gives more reliable messages than spoken words.
Researches have proved that when there is a contradiction between spoken words and nonverbal message (body language), we tend to believe in the message which body language is conveying. In other words, when your body language doesn’t support your words, people don’t believe your words.
Take a speaker, for example, when he stands in front of an audience with shaky knees, tucked shoulders and with weak voice says I am super confident, which message will you consider more genuine?
Dr Mehrabian said that generally 55% of our message is conveyed through body language, 38% is through voice tonality and just and only 7% through actual words.
Learning body language helps you in improving your communication skills because you will become more aware while communicating with others.
More about body language in next articles…