What Are Board Member Expectations at Nonprofits?
What Are Board Member Expectations at Nonprofits?
Bryce Sanders, President
Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.
It is exhilarating to be tapped on the shoulder and invited to serve on the board at a nonprofit.? Groucho Marx famously said: I don’t want belong to any club that will accept me as a member.� When you are asked to serve as a board member at a nonprofit, that is one of the most exclusive clubs you can imagine!? There are expectations from both sides.
The perks are substantial.? Your name is listed on the organization’s letterhead!? You make the same list when invitations to the charity gala are printed.? You appear in the gala program.? You might even be asked to stand and be recognized at public events held by the organization.
In my opinion, there are two types of nonprofits.? The first is the community group run by volunteers with a minimum of paid staff support. The historical society might be a good example.? The second is the larger organization, often cultural with a full professional staff and a role for volunteers.? The local hospital or museum fits into this category.
The volunteer organization needs board members who will roll up their sleeves and do work.? The groups with a professional staff often have a board providing direction, oversight and one other important function, fundraising.
What are expectations?? Service to the organization tops the list.? You are an ambassador for the nonprofit.? You can tell their story anytime that is necessary. You put the organization first.
Dedication is the second duty.? You are on the board to serve the organization, not yourself.? This means you cannot focus on getting new clients for your business.? This might seem paradoxical because many board members probably do business with each other.? Assume that came about when the person needing the product or service approached someone they knew, who happened to be a board member.? Not vice versa.
Confidentiality is another duty.? What happens in the boardroom stays in the boardroom.? For example, if staff layoffs might be needed to bring down expenses, you cannot tell friends who are on staff.? It violates a confidence.? Rumors evolve over time.? You cannot start them.? You cannot take prime donor prospects and make them prime donor prospects for another nonprofit organization where you serve on their board.? This might seem like another paradox because you are constantly asked to find donors within your circle of friends.
Now comes the big responsibility, fundraising.? It gets fancy names like development or philanthropy, but as a board member, you are expected to act as an extension of the Development Department.? Skill in fundraising or the ability to write large checks is often the reason people are invited to join the board!? “Give, Get or get off†is sometimes used to describe this role.
Attendance at board meetings is a requirement.? Sometimes there are schedule conflicts.? This is understood.? In general, you are supposed to be there.? The board provides direction and oversight.? It hires the Executive Director.? It oversees the finances. You need to be present to do your job.? You have read about instances when something went seriously wrong at a college or nonprofit and all board members were asked to step down.? They failed in their oversight role.
Direction is important.? What should the organization loom like in five, ten or twenty years?? It often needs a strategic plan.? Board members are involved in it’s development.
Committee work.? Board members are often assigned to a committee.? This usually includes professional staff and often general members of the organization.? Depending on the size of the organization, the committees might be Gala, event planning, membership, development or other functions often associated with raising money.
Leadership gifts.? Nonprofits often have board dues, an annual financial obligation for each director.? When the charity has a capital campaign, board members are expected to make leadership gifts.? That’s another way of saying big donations.? If the Executive Director has a special project and it needs funding, it is generally expected if you are called, you will say “Yes, I will help.â€
In person support.? To organization members, “the board†can seem like this secretive group of people in the shadows.? Members need to see board members at functions.? In addition to attending board meetings, board members should attend all galas and activities involving the public.? You are supporting with both your money and your time.
Terms.? This shouldn’t be a position for life.? Generally, there are terms, often a couple of years.? Your term can be renewed, but it gives a useful date when a board member who has lost interest can cycle off the board without embarrassment.? Terms are useful because it is often difficult to unseat a board member otherwise.
Joining a nonprofit board is a two-way street.? Before a new member accepts the appointment, they need to know and accept the responsibilities that come with the position.? The organization needs to make those responsibilities clear.? If a board member cannot meet their obligations, they must be prepared to step down.? The organization can choose to exempt a board member from certain obligations if their value in another area brings incredibly high value.
Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc.? He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry.? His book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor†is available on Amazon.