What Blogging Rules Should You Break or?Follow?

(Updated 10–24–2022)

Being a pro blogger involves breaking rules and honoring rules.

Being a pro involves sticking to fundamentals but being flexible in applying these ideals.

Experience is the #1 tool in your rule arsenal. Blogging experience appeals to your intuition. The intuition tells you what rules to break and what rules to follow. For example, I break publishing rules common to most bloggers because my experience appeals to my gut hunch in that regard. But I follow specific blogging rules too commonly held by the masses because my experience goads me to do so.

Experience teaches you what to let go and what to hold, for blogging is an experience to learn from spanning years of your life. I break ample rules. But I honor rules too. Why? Experience told me that list building, SEO-optimizing and a more traditional blogging path did not suit me and my readers. Experience told me that I loved guest posting, genuine blog commenting and networking. I honored these blogging rules. I followed these fundamentals. I let go rules like driving Google traffic and building a huge email list.

A while back, one of my good blogging friends reached out to me. He is likely reading ?? He asked if I was ready to accept his guest post. I informed him I closed guest posting months ago. He reminded me we agreed to do a guest post exchange but simply moved on from his request, aka, our agreement. He released on it. Oh shoot; I totally forgot we agreed to exchange guest posts because we agreed quite a few months ago. I replied letting him know I would accept his guest post, thanking him for reminding me of our agreement.

I broke my rule for permanently closing guest posting for a good friend I trust. But I never would break a blogging rule or policy for a stranger because I do not know strangers enough to trust these individuals.. What is their agenda? What is their motive?

A while back, a stranger reached out to me. He promised to do a link exchange; this would be the first and last link exchange I ever did. Lesson learned. He offered to place my guest post on Market Watch — to get an eBook link on a DA 92 blog — to place his guest post on Blogging From Paradise. Brilliant. I took that trade.

He published my guest post. I published his guest post. But a few months later when I clicked my guest post link on Market Watch, he or Market Watch removed my guest post. I did not take the removal personally but deleted his guest post on BFP immediately because I cannot promote someone I do not know and trust. I cherish the lesson he taught me; only break rules or policies for trusted bloggers. I never did a link exchange prior. I will never do a link exchange again. My blog has since moved in a different direction.

Bloggers who I bonded with and did business with sometimes pitched me advertising opportunities at my old, cheaper rates. I honored the cheap rates until realizing:

the value of my blog

  • the value of my brand
  • the fact I ran a serious blogging business; not a charity

Even though I befriended the bloggers and did prior business with the bloggers I rose rates for them and everyone across the board. I never break pricing policies for anyone because I suffered horribly basing my blogging business on individual budgets, the poverty consciousness of clients determining my pricing. I had to sit with fears in my mind vibing with the fears in client minds to see how we co-created my struggles.

Lesson learned. I remain firm with a few rules but break many rules. I never change some policies but do change other policies. My intimately personal experiences offer me an intuitive guide I honor diligently

Ditto for you.

Experience is the ideal blogging teacher.

Follow Some Rules But Break?Others

No blogger is a robot.

Following pro blogger rules robotically is not the answer. Human beings work from feeling, or emotions, not pure logic alone.

Follow some rules but drop others like a hot potato if following strategies feels heavy, leaden, or flat out boring.

Breaking rules becomes easy if you develop the skill of trusting your feelings versus working solely from logic. For example, I clearly felt bad many years ago with trying to grow an email list. My inner guide told me that this list-building thing was not the path for me. I broke that rule.

But I followed other rules like publishing targeted, in-depth content.

I did not break blogging rules to be a rebel. Nor did I fly in the face of convention to look cool. Any time I broke commonly held blogging rules I trusted my feelings as the prime decision maker.

For each rule I broke I followed a handful of traditional blogging rules. I create detailed content, build my friend network daily and diversify content streams with my podcast, videos and text-only updates on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Blogging does not need to be difficult if you learn the art of following rules that feel good and breaking blogging rules that feel bad.

Experience puts you over the top.

Once you gain valuable blogging experience you can and will figure out what rules to follow and what rules to break.

Dive in now.

Trust your blogging gut.

Break some blogging rules but follow others to accelerate your blogging success.

Originally published at https://www.bloggingfromparadise.com on October 24, 2022.


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