Hello guys here iam to explain blockchain
At its most basic level,blockchain is a digtal ledger,that keeps tracks of transcation b/w people. But you get a question that whats special in that ...here comes differnce that it doesn't owns by any one person and organization.Instead,its run by a network of computers all over the world,which makes it incredibly secure and transparent.
Lets imagine their is a note book where everyone can writes down they've bought or sold.But instead of one person keeping tracks of everything ,it's shared among a bunch of people. And once something's written down,it can"t be erased or changed a more fair and trasnparent world,which makes it incredibly secure and trasnparent.
Now,iknow what you might be thinking,"why does this matter?"
My friends,blockchain has the potential to transform all sort of industries,from banking to healthcare to voting .It could make transcations faster,cheapar and more secure.It could give people more control over thier own data.And it could help create a more fair able transparent world for all..
so if you're intrigued by blockchain and want to learn more,stick around! i will'be sharing all sorts of cool and quickly posts about this amazing technology.