What Bites at Night
No one wants to crawl into bed at and think about some uninvited guests crawling in with them. Bed bugs have made a reappearance after years out of sight and out of mind. Although these insects are not dangerous per se, they can cause welts, itching, and obvious trouble sleeping. These particular parasites adapt to your schedule (how polite of them) and bite to draw blood, their only food source. Once an infestation enters a room it is difficult to stop, luckily there are ways to protect yourself and your home. A costly aspect of bed bug damage is replacing a mattress and box spring. Unfortunately, once bed bugs enter a mattress, it’s nearly impossible to eradicate them. The EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) lists mattress protection at the top of their safety list. “Use a protective cover that encases mattresses and box springs and eliminates many hiding spots. The light color of the encasement makes bed bugs easier to see” (EPA). The UNITERS BedGard line features just that, full mattress, boxx spring and pillow encasements that let air pass through for breathable feel, but that's it. Bed bugs and dust mites are kept out. Therefore, even if this issue does enter your home, you will not have to pitch that beautiful pillow top you just purchased. Check out this article from USA TODAY on preventing, spotting and terminating bed bugs.