In order to understand the planetary combination in a birth chart / horoscope which gives a child born outside of their parents' country of birth /origin one need to understand it in step-by-step manner and it will be as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system as I am a KP vedic astrologer.
The dictum is when the 12th cuspal sublord signifying 3rd house and the 3rd cuspal sublord signifying 12th house, and there is malefic planet in 7th house and the running mahadasha period at the time of birth should also signify 3,6,7 and 12th house will show a child born outside their parent’s country of birth / origin.
Now let’s understand it astrologically.
The 4th house of the vedic horoscope signify our home and the 3rd house since it is 12th of the 4th house shows away from home and the 12th house connection shows foreign land / different geographical location as per the words of vedic astrology.
Now let us understand how did we deduce the dictum.
When a child takes birth in foreign country then naturally the mother of the child should be in foreign country on that time. So, the mother’s horoscope / chart shows foreign journey / stay in during the child birth / delivery.
The 12th cuspal sub lord signifying 3rd and 9th house signifies foreign journey / stay in a horoscope during the activation period of its mahadasha period signifying 3,9 and 12th house.
So, in the child’s horoscope the 4th house denote the mother and when we rotate the horoscope and make the 4th house as lagna / ascendant and then applying the above dictum of foreign journey / stay can be seen as 3rd, 6th and 12th cuspal sublord signifying 3,6 and 12th house in their significations from his / her mother’s point of view.
AND so from the child’s birth chart the 3rd, 6th, 7th and 12th house signification along with the mahadasha signifying the same will confirm the child’s birth in the foreign country outside of their parents' country of birth /origin.
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