What is a “BioRefinery”?

What is a “BioRefinery”?

Only about three out of ten people actually have any idea of what a biorefinery is designed to do.?For most, however, the term “biorefinery” equates only to the place that ethanol comes from…?According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary:


Since the 1980s, the US population has been conditioned to think of a ‘biorefinery’ as an ethanol plant, or perhaps even a biodiesel blending facility.?A true ‘biorefinery’ does far more than make a simple biofuel like ethanol. ?A fully capable (true) biorefinery uses every aspect of its source plant materials to “refine” them into a host of end products with minimum to no waste.

The concept of fully utilizing the potential of biorefineries started in the late 1990s. ?The U.S. Department of Energy defines a biorefinery as an overall concept of a processing plant wherein biomass and feedstocks are converted and extracted into a spectrum of valuable?products.


What is a True BioRefinery?

A true BioRefinery can process local grains and biomass into higher-value products (food, biochemicals, bioplastics, green electricity, and more) while also creating the Next Generation of Advanced biofuels.


The true BioRefinery is analogous to today's petroleum refinery, which produces multiple fuels and products from petroleum (from below ground) whereas the CBR does much the same with source materials from above?ground.


Community BioRefinery is such a true BioRefinery.?Green energy resources can be produced and consumed by local communities to replace petroleum-based fuels.?A CBR can potentially turn a community into a self-sufficient energy consumer.?Further, a CBR will tack the unique mission to also create food and nutraceutical-grade food products, biofuels, and green energy – and much more – while also keying in on eliminating all waste from the process.?The only “waste” from the process is hydrogen, which is captured and applied to hydrogen fuel cells to create its green electricity to totally power the plant – with significant excess to put back onto the grid, or power a local requirement, or be infused to create sustainable aircraft fuel (SAF).

What are the benefits of a Community (true) BioRefinery to the local community?

The core mission of every Community BioRefinery is to directly benefit the local communities.

Becoming part of the carbohydrate economy.?With the broader acceptance of the carbohydrate economy and its expansion, there has developed a vast and unintended interest of plant waste proliferation. When the United States was being formed nearly 250 years ago, it was a fledgling industrialized society that was based on carbohydrate economy. In 1820, it is estimated that two tons of farmed vegetables would equal one ton of minerals. The Plant base economy was based on dyes, chemicals, paints, inks, solvents, construction materials, even energy.


Over the next 125 years, hydrocarbon and carbohydrate battled for industrial supremacy. Coal gases fueled the world's first urban lighting systems. Cotton and wood pulp provided the world's first plastics and synthetic textiles. In 1860, corn-derived ethanol was a best-selling industrial chemical, and as late as 1870, wood provided 70 percent of the nation's energy.


Provide solutions for modern day biofuel requirements.?Since a Community BioRefinery applies its unique process in its operations, it can recover the “waste” sugars contained in the biomass plants and channel them into a specialized fermenter, allowing for the production of bio-butanol – an all-natural biochemical which is at the heart of the Next Generation of Biofuels.

Creates highly nutritious food products.?The highly nutritious components in plants have traditionally been ignored due to the lack of technology to identify them and/or to be able to isolate and recover them undamaged.?No one thought to look at the entire plant, every molecule for its remarkable nutritional and chemical traits.?These components contain incredibly nutritious proteins, resistant starches, fluffy cellulose, and oil that can be separated and recovered, intact, and included in traditional food products; plus, create cutting-edge biochemicals that replace petroleum.

A Community BioRefinery is environmentally friendly.?True BioRefineries are eco-friendly.?They are cold-process, closed-loop systems that do not release noxious odors or toxic pollutants into the local waterways.?No heat or chemicals are used anywhere in its process.?Water remaining at the end of the process is hyper-pure and gets recycled back to the start of the process.

A Community BioRefinery is much smaller than the “traditional” biorefinery.?Since CBRs are small and modular, they are designed to be located near to where the feedstocks and biomass are grown, as well as the customers who can buy their products.?This proximity results in significant savings in the costs of shipping, and, reduces the carbon footprint of the true BioRefinery.

A Community BioRefinery creates job opportunities and economic development for the local community.?With every CBR in place, each local community will experience an increase in economic benefits and job opportunities.?CBRs will produce a variety of products across different markets and many industries, and, they will need many employees for its operations.?













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