What Biographer Garrow Missed in His waler, talker and Quaker Takedown
Timothy C. Moynahan
I am a trial lawyer who represents clients in Civil and Criminal Litigation. I am an entrepreneur/deal maker
The reasonable person, reasonably observant, would have been aware of this from the get-go. Are we to castigate Obama for his ambition, laziness, duplicity ,or any other character flaw expressed in the attached article. I for one would not. Who would have him for a trusted friend or reliable adviser? Not me. I did not vote for him on either occasion he was a Presidential candidate. I was appalled by his celebrity fawning, friendship with Al Sharpton, dependence on Bill Ayers, and pandering to race hustlers generally throughout his tenure in office.
?I have utter disregard for him, but I don’t blame or credit him for running to successfully attain our highest office twice. It wasn’t him since there is no him. He was a creature of the media which lost its principles gradually for decades then accelerated into high gear in 2008. Non- partisan journalistic ideals became quaint relics of the past as everyone wielding a pen abandoned news reporting to become opinion generators. Censorship, both blatant and subtle, has been weaponized resulting in the fracturing of our first amendment, which has shaken the very foundations upon which our country was established.
My special contempt is reserved for the legacy media which incubated him and promoted him as “blessed.” Oprah Winfrey christened him in messianic terms. “ I believe he is the one,” she asserted histrionically. He was never vetted, never assessed critically, never scrutinized, and never held accountable. They along with the coastal elites, manufactured a persona for him to aid and abet him in filling his empty suit. In keeping with the clothing metaphor, they “pulled the wool over the eyes of multitudes.”?Immersed as we are in a war with cultural Marxism and infected with the virus of “wokeism,” it is incumbent upon us to call out the shameful role the media has played as enabler and facilitator of these destructive ideologies. As ruinous as each of them are, individually and in concert, they would not have survived and thrived if the press was truly free.
Thomas Jefferson was an inveterate defender of the press’s freedom. “Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it.”?It was an article of faith for him that Incursions on free speech, ”ought to produce universal alarm, because it is levelled against that right of freely examining public characters and measures” which is “the only effectual guardian of every other right.”
In the case I present against the media please read Exhibit A attached.
Exhibit B is the Biden campaign and Presidency to be elaborated upon in minute detail in future correspondence.
There will be those who will refuse to address the points made by me and the contents of the article by complaining, “what about Trump,” which is non- responsive and tedious. We can fill volumes about Trump, this is not a defense of Trump, though he appears in need several. This is about the travesties of Obama and Biden and the ravishing of our Lady of Liberty as embodied in the First Amendment.
Link to article in comments below.
I am a trial lawyer who represents clients in Civil and Criminal Litigation. I am an entrepreneur/deal maker
1 年https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/what_biographer_garrow_missed_in_his_obama_takedown.html