What are the biggest hazards for cats over summer?
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What are the biggest hazards for cats over summer?

What are the biggest hazards for cats over summer?

During the summer months, outdoor cats tend to spend longer outside. Unfortunately, however, this has its downsides. As emergency vets, we see considerably more cases of cats being injured as a result of cat fights, dog bites and road traffic accidents.

Here is a list of some of the most common – and not so common – reasons cats are admitted to our clinics and hospitals over the summer.

1. Road traffic accidents

Sadly, this is one of the most common reasons cats are admitted to our pet emergency clinics and hospitals. There are pros and cons to allowing your cat outdoors but if you choose to let them out there are lots of ways to help ensure they come home safe and well. These include neutering, keeping them indoors at night and using a ?¢a????quick release’ reflective collar.

2. Hot spots

Cats love sunbathing but will often choose an inappropriate spot. Try to ensure your cat does not get locked in a greenhouse, conservatory or car by accident. Never leave a cat in its carrying basket in a car, even with a window open. Heat stroke kills rapidly. The signs are obvious – your cat will be restless, pant excessively and drool. If your cat is not treated quickly he will collapse and fall into a coma. If you suspect your cat is suffering from heat stroke, lower its temperature by bathing it in cool – not cold – water and seek veterinary attention immediately. Heat stroke is an emergency.

3. Sun burn

During the summer months it’s not uncommon for light-coloured cats, in particular, to suffer from sunburn. This can lead to cancer of the nose and ear. Animal safe sunscreens are available and it’s worth applying some to your cat’s ears and nose.


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