What about the BIG picture of Corona?
You and I are constantly being overwhelmed with updates on Corona and this has been the case since January, although it appears to grow day by day.
And as you know a lot of the economic activities are shut down due to the fear for death. You may even yourself be forced into quarantine if you live in countries like Italy and Spain, while if you live in Sweden you are still living in a free country.
How come the restrictions and what are the consequences?
Myself since very early age wanting to preserve most of nature (like forests, sea, flora and fauna) untuched by mankind, the slowdown of the economic activities that destroy and pollute is of course wonderful. It is like a spiracle for life and I assume you also have seen the satellite pictures on air pollution changes after Corona as well as from Venice and the canals.
But at the same time people lose their jobs and companies go bankrupt which causes uncertainty about making a living for themselves and their families.
And the death rate in Corona seems to differ a lot when looking at different countries, and a boat since Diamond Princess is a separate case, being measured.
On the boat the number of dead in March 26th was 10 persons out of 3 700 passengers and crew, which calculates to a death rate of 0,27%.
The second worst death rate in the world is San Marino with around 0,06%.
Both had their first death in Corona at the same time, February 28th and March 1st respectively.
And considering that the passengers on Diamond Princess were mainly above 60 years of age it can be argued, based on statistics from China and Italy on death rates among different ages, that the death rate on Diamond Princess is four times higher than it would have been if the passengers would have been from all ages in a country.
You may wonder what my point is with all these numbers?
The point is that if the figures for those onboard Diamond Princess remain the same, it is not unlikely since 84% have recovered and only 15% of the remaining are defined as critical, perhaps the death rate for Diamond Princess is "the roof" to be expected.
With that as an assumption it would lead to the conclusion that a death rate for a population in a country like Italy with 23% above 65 years of age would be around 0,07%. And that is slightly higher than San Marino's death rate of 0,06% in March 26th.
San Marino is very much like Italy, being surrounded by Italy and having a long common history and plausibly also culturally, and has one of the oldest populations in the world.
March 27th Italy had a death rate of 0,015% and if the San Marino numbers of 0,07% would apply to Italy the number of deaths because of Corona would be 40 000.
The yearly normal average death rate for Italy the past 20 years is between 9,6 and 10,7 per 1000 inhabitants which with a population of roughly 60 million means that between 570 000 and 642 000 Italians die every year. It differs 72 000 although an increase the past years which probably is because of an aging population.
Comparing the number of expected deaths in Corona with the 72 000 who die yearly because of smoking related deseases in Italy makes the numbers more understandable. No one has put the whole Italian economy to a halt because of smoking.
Actually the expected number of deaths in the world because of smoking is yearly around 8 million and if we apply the 0,07% on world population of 7,8 billion we end up with a figure of 5,5 million.
So why is the world shutting down?
Who benefits from this?
When looking at the first identified cases of Corona in some countries it is reported to be a Chinese in Finland, Italy, Philippines, South Korea, USA, Japan, France and Iran just to name a few.
And the Chinese death rate based on official (of course possibly not correct) numbers is 2,3 per million for the whole of China but with adjustments for Wuhan city and Hubei province with 11 and 60 million inhabitants we get a span from 0,005% to 0,03% with the latter as the most probable since it is the city of Wuhan that was the centre of the outbrake.
This means that China or more correctly Wuhan, has twice as high death rate as Italy has today and almost three times that of Spain. And is it realistic to believe a virus can be stopped from spreading by locking down completely or will we see a spread picking up speed in China to figures around 0,07% not just for Wuhan but the rest of China?
I believe in a spread to the whole society is inevitable.
Therefore we should expect at least double the number of deaths in Italy to be at par with Wuhan and possibly four times higher to level with Diamond Princess and San Marino.
The same goes for the rest of the world and it is still less serious than the number who dies because of smoking and the numbers are in line with normal variations of deaths in a country, so what is the big fuzz all about?
Why on earth are then most of the world leaders shutting down their societies driving people into bankruptcy, unemployment and misery during possibly several years if this is to continue?
To me that is incomprehensible.
But I can see at least one actor achieving something with spreading panic.
It is time to look at the responsibility for the outbreak in the first place, China!
The evidence for why the Corona virus erupted is still to be verified, but it seems as if it originates from a market with wild animals.
Coming back to my obsession with preserving wildlife, it is easy to conclude that chinese people have a lot to learn in this matter. The markets with endangered spieces are well known with ivory from elephants and rhinoceros to any kind of living creature that will bring status or nonsense medical effects. And the non democratic leadership of China can do whatever they want but they haven't shut down these markets before and will not do so in the future unless the rest of the world forces them to as a means of self defense.
As long as China's leadership don't deal with this which creates a demand for illegal activities we will see more virus outbreaks like Corona and earlier SARS, Hong Kong flu, Asian flu, swine flu and Spanish flu.
They all originates from China and the seriousness seems to be very much dependant on malnourishment, poor hygiene, overcrowded hospitals and secondary infections which of course hits harder on those with other diseases or health issues, not to mention multi-resistant bacteria due to heavy use of antibiotics.
And by allowing people travelling to and from China, especially chinese as seen recently with Corona, the virus is spread to Europe and the rest of the world as has been the case with all previous flues and virus, unless the rest of the world puts an end to the travelling to and from China until the root cause is solved.
China is also the world's biggest polluter and consumer of natural resources, of course not only from within China but devastating other countries flora and fauna when securing their need for resources and "investing" in countries in Africa, South America and Asia.
And by allowing China to consume other countries resources and at the same time pollute we are destroying the earth and the ability to live. This is also changing the environment for virus as well as changing the living conditions for mankind in general which might make a lot of people having less resistance to future virus. This will continue until the rest of the world put an end to it, as well in self defense.
We also know that China has declared returning to dominance in Asia. And for years China has made investments in Europe and North America to gain knowledge and control within technology areas and even ports. China is also spending heavily into military and has the second largest budget in the world. Combined with a totally different view on human rights like free speach make a toxic mix.
With the two super powers EU (let us include Great Britain) and USA stalling, apparantely together with Russia and India as well, China is now picking up speed again and can propagate their "help" and answer to defeating Corona when the fact is that China is responsible for the situation in the first place and they are not more successful than any other country which means that their locking down of Wuhan most probably was pointless.
Well not if they have another agenda.
The effect is true economic warfare on the rest of the world, creating panic among the populations and leadership.
This also gives China the opportunity to buy more of foreign assets at a cheaper price and continue the path to world domination.
Now is the time for the rest of the world to start the economic wheels again and not be tricked by the Chinese leadership into further self-destructive behavior.
There will be an increased number of deaths but based on the official figures around half the number of deaths caused by smoking yearly and within the normal variations over time.
What the world leaders should focus on is firm demands on China on immediate closing all markets with wild animals (several also endangered) for reduction of future virus outbreaks and to radically stop the pollution of the air and consumption of natural resources around the globe.
These are actions for the future and not reactions to a virus which is inevitable and already among us.
To further lower the dependency of and move less of financial and technology power to China, production should be moved away from China to other countries or back home and Chinese investments prevented.
The world cannot again accept an aggressive country to build up a threat to world peace.
It seems as if the medical advisor to Donald Trump, Dr Anthony Fauci is speculating around the same figure as I argue to be the probable "roof" when looking at the numbers we have today, i.e. a death rate of 0,07% which equals 230 000. But put that in the context 2 800 000 americans die yearly. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/29/anthony-fauci-coronavirus-death-toll-200000-americans
Chief Technology Officer @ The Hashgraph Association | Blockchain | AI | Managed Enterprise DLT services
4 年I compare this crisis to the natural event of a forest fire. We have been long overdue a real overhaul of the world economic system that still rely on the fundamentals which were put in place after WW2. These fundamental systems are the ones burning now and my belief is that, as with a forest fire, it is needed to create new possibilities for a new era of economic growth. A growth that will be based ln completely new ideas and processes. The only worry I have is how long the dying of the old world order will take and what pain we will see in the wake of it... but we can only move forward and take responsibility for our own actions! Thank you Mikael Flovén for a view from a fresh perspective!
Innovative AI and Visualisation Advisor with experiences from many businesses areas
4 年A very interesting observation Mikael!
Retired Senior Executive
4 年Well said,and as you underline China has already declared to become the world leader in all aspects! Hopefully our European politicians will wake up and take measures in order to prevent this in the future!
Aviation innovator and broker
4 年No doubt we will see changes in behavior, attitude and life styles