What BIG Hairy Problem Are You Bold Enough To Tackle Today?

What BIG Hairy Problem Are You Bold Enough To Tackle Today?

In examining that question, there is nothing wrong with getting PAID to help solve urgent problems!

What big problems do lots of people really care about these days?

What big problems have people desperate, bewildered, frustrated, and even SCARED?

What problems are so frightening that they cause people to actually DO SOMETHING about them.

COVID-19 is an obvious one!  Any problem that's big enough to shut down countries' economies, put untold millions out of work, send countless companies into bankruptcy, and KILL a lot of people... has to get your attention.

However, you probably don't think that there is much that YOU can do to help solve it right now.

There are things you can do... and a couple of things that immediately spring to mind are that you can:

- Take precautionary measures to halt the spread of this pathogen (regardless of your thoughts on the effectiveness of masks)

Heck, just wash your fricking hands when appropriate!

- Do your research, using your intellect to evaluate the "data" that you find... since there is a lot of misinformation floating around.

Those of us with certain backgrounds understand the concept of tactical deception... where you deliberately leak misinformation to throw off your adversary :-)

- Reach out to people who feel isolated by giving them a phone call, texting them, or... to let them really feel connected with you... get them on a video call and let them see your smiling face!

You can do video calls for FREE over Skype, Zoom, Facebook, and I'm sure a dozen other platforms.

- Boost your own and your loved ones immunity. You can do that through proper nutrition, rest, hydration, and exercise... and education!

Sitting in front of the television all day, eating junk food, and obsessing over the dribble that the media continuously feeds you is certainly NOT the solution.

- Why not use your lock-down (or out of work) time to learn a new skill... one that will be in-demand when things open back up... and they will.

You can learn a lot of skills via online training... much of it 100% free.

What's another FRIGHTENING problem?

WE are experiencing a MAJOR health epidemic, with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and a number of other problems EXPLODING!

Show people how to actually SOLVE any of these problems and you will be handsomely rewarded.

The solutions to ALL of these problems ARE there. FIND and share those proven solutions with the world.

Fear, depression, even thoughts of suicide ARE growing problems. Those are all problems that you can help lessen simply by showing a little love, kindness and compassion :-)

Finally, ask HOW we got into this current situation, and do your part to both resolve it AND to keep it from reoccurring.

I think that's enough BIG challenges for you today... Don't You?

WAIT... you can also SHARE this post if you agree with my message :-)


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