Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
Has anyone ever thought we got it all wrong? Initially the biggest brute emerging from the cave might have had the control, but who had him by the short and curlies? Why think the man had to donate a rib to create a wife? Was it not a woman’s decision to cross God and eat the forbidden fruit that cast the all-dominant man out of the Garden of Eden? Doesn’t it become obvious who the dominant species is?
Looking then into the future and as a start, the next 100 years, under current scientific enlightenment, is it not likely that with women overcoming the restrictions of menstruation and becoming amenorrheic, this need not impair mental function?
If one looks at the population of the planet, the constraints always get to this bit about women being restricted to nine-month birth cycles while men can play around as much as they like. Looked at another way and you can have a herd of cows and only need a selection of prime bulls if you leave religious controls out of it. The way we are going, tell me this is not the way into the future?
So then into that future and the arrival of all those humans replaced by AI, for whom we have yet to determine a future, what is going to be more important, those with wombs that can do something creative or a man who can insert one single adaptable sperm?
Behind all this, we have the illusive woman kept hidden behind a cloud of veils and restrictive presence as if men all along?knew to fear fremale power were they ever permitted to remove the veil and finally emerge as the dominant species. Does no one see what's coming?