What is beyond now?

What is beyond now?

The rise of purposeful leaders and organisations in the next normal

COVID-19 has tipped the world into the 5IR. Humans and machines will have to dance together purposefully and intelligently for the human race and planet earth to survive and thrive through COVID-19 and beyond. The 5IR is about trust and humanity and connecting purpose and inclusivity to innovation. 

Course overview

At Davos 2019, Forbes, MIT and TATA introduced the 5IR formula – Blockchain+AI+Human=Magic! Now, more than ever, leaders need to learn what it means to lead self and others humanly. This course will upskill you to lead through crisis and disruption by drawing on your human capabilities of empathy and curiosity. The Programme is grounded in NeuroDesign which offers you the opportunity to optimise your brain-body system to develop the growth mindset required to lead, contribute and perform in this next world. 

Who is this course for?

5IR WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? is for senior managers and leaders who need the skillset to guide, build, lead and manage teams and organisations through this unchartered territory. This course will develop resilient leaders who have positive impact and influence on self, virtual teams, organisational culture as well as community, nation and the world. 

Why is this course right for you?

The course is broken down into four learning pods: Leading self, leading team, leading organisation and leading world. Each learning pod is supported by a coaching pod where your learning coach will guide you through application of learning to your workplace.

These learning pods are broken up into 2-hour virtual classroom sessions. All virtual sessions are facilitator led (faculty) and the entire course is embedded and supported by a learning coach. 

The following learning pod conversations will be covered during the programme: 

Self-care, self-awareness and self-leadership 

Understanding the autopilot nature of the brain and how this restricts agility 

Developing a conscious leadership mindset 

Creating social and psychological safety for trust building in virtual teams 

Leading with purpose, empathy and curiosity for radical 

collaboration and collective creativity in virtual teams 

Leading a high-performance thinking culture in the D-VUCAD next normal through intentionality and moral clarity 

Leading an inclusive, agile and innovative organisational culture to survive and thrive through COVID-19 

Articulating a compelling vision and narrative for change 

Doing and being digital in the next normal 

Developing future skills for self and others differently 


42 Hours of virtual learning.

These are broken up into 2-hour sessions daily for a week at a time for 7 weeks (over the 5 months)

How will you benefit?

To think or not to think, that is the question? You have the choice to learn how to optimise your brain-body ecosystem for leading through the complexity and opportunity of the 5IR, or to remain trapped in the current D-VUCAD context. As a bonus, you can select any two of our Digital Programmes, at no additional cost.


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