What Is Better - "DUMB" or "SMART" Goals? - -- - How To Set Goals Like a Profitable Business Owner -- -
Clay Green
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What is a DUMB goal?
- Dream-Driven
- Up-Lifitng
- Method-Based
- Behavior-Driven
Reference: LINK
What is a SMART goal?
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Realistic
- Time Based
Which is BETTER?
SMART goals have been defined and 'around' for a long while. George Doran wrote a memo in 1981 that is considered the origin of this mnemonic.
Brendon Burchard, a well known High Performance Expert, is referenced in terms of the "DUMB" goals mnemonic and strategy.
To summarize: the idea is to have goals based on your dreams, that up-lifts you when you think about them, and when you move toward them. In moving toward them, your dream should have either a proven, or you should develop a, method of attaining said dream. Finally, those methods and dreams are easiest attained by applying behavior based activities to your day that result in your dream being achieved.
Behaviors - things you simply 'do' resulting in you closer to your dreams. This may seem like a limiting factor, at first. Until you realize anything can be a behavior. Waking up and commuting an hour to an office is a behavior for a LARGE portion of our country, for example. For others, shooting a Facebook Live video is a daily 'behavior'.
MY QUESTION: What do you think is a better method of attaining your goals -SMART, or DUMB goals?
Take a moment, comment below - which practice do you currently subscribe to?
In my experience, if we don't have something driving us, that we REALLY want - an up-lifting dream, then we probably aren't going to strive hard enough to attain.
That dream based, up-lifting ideal is something we all have in us. The question is: How much do you USE it?
After you've come to terms with your dreams and no longer suppress them, then we get to the next steps: Methods and Behaviors.
What does that mean? Example: If you dream of traveling the world, that can be accomplished in many different ways. You could build a multi-million dollar plumbing supply company, or lawn care business, or any of an infinite number of businesses, and travel the world using your profits.
Or you could build a travel or food blog business and travel the world on a budget sharing your adventures - all those methods will get you to your dream.
Each of those methods would require drastically different behaviors however!
And THAT is the spot! The METHODS and BEHAVIORS you choose to implement, to get your dreams, are where those SMART goals become THE tool to use!
Measuring, analyzing impact, tweaking and adjusting your daily practices - THAT is the spot continuous growth comes from!
That is where the magic happens - when real steps are taken, and goals are REALIZED!
Of course, quick reminder - If you're not CLEAR on where you want to go, and stay AWARE of it constantly, you'll lose sight of your goal and go off track. It's an interesting balance those that have attained their dreams have been able to master, isn't it?
When you're ready to master something, reach out. Until then...
What do YOU think? What is better - DUMB, or SMART goals? What is YOUR favorite way of applying these practices?
How would you apply the DUMB goals 'at work', with a team? :-0