What Are the Best Ways to Manage Demand and Brand?

What Are the Best Ways to Manage Demand and Brand?

Brand and demand are distinct concepts in history, yet marketers have struggled with the dilemma of distinguishing which to prioritize at a given moment - and within the constraints of a given budget. In most cases, the balancing act of juggling both marketing activities has gotten a lot more difficult lately, as both have good reasons to be the main focus at present.

In the wake of the pandemic and its aftermath, marketers have been faced with the challenge of attempting to rebuild revenues. It means that they are under pressure to get their calls to action in front of as many people as possible who could be interested in purchasing from their category. If you add into the equation the fact that B2B sales teams are having issues in adjusting to remote buyer journeys and many are in desperate need of marketing support, it is easy to see a case for focusing on customer demand.

While it is true that the evidence on the brand side is mounting spending money on performance marketing in the absence of a brand strategy is likely to have minimal impact on brand performance. As a marketer, it's what we call brand salience that ensures that you come to mind first in any case of a customer decision-making process - and that potential customers pay attention to what you have to say through your content and advertising. Moreover, consumers today are seeking out brands they can trust that align with their values, in the rapidly changing world we live in. There is a good chance that new customers with different requirements are coming into your category - and marketing departments who have put effort into building awareness and building perceptions have an advantage.

Marketers should think about today's revenues as well as those of the future

There has to be a realistic expectation on the part of every marketer as to which types of marketing investment will bring results within the time frame in which they are working. The majority of your budget is going towards a big brand campaign that will deliver results over the next three years, but if your sales teams are begging for leads this month and there are immediate revenue gaps that need filling, then it is very difficult to bet your budget on a campaign that will bring you results this month and this next year. You will need to make demand generation a key component of your plans if you want to achieve your short-term targets.

Nevertheless, it is equally important to be realistic about how short-term your budget can allow you to extend it. Being able to make it through a particular quarter or year is important - but the ability to gain market share and achieve sustainable growth over a longer period is equally significant. The goal is more than just to survive daily. To reach an ever-increasing share of revenue in the future, they will need a robust growth strategy. To survive, they need a strong growth strategy. This means some fewer potential customers are open to our demand generation marketing methods today than there are for whom we could promote the brand of our company and influence them to purchase it someday. Regardless of how proficiently you can target your marketing, there is a limit to how much value you can create simply by concentrating on demand. Connecting brand marketing with demand marketing will enable you to create a great deal more.

How Brand and Demand Can Be Approached in a Novel Way

Marketers are choosing to follow this path in an increasing number of cases. By investing in both Brand and Demand, they're exploring how to multiply their value - and how to connect them more effectively - instead of seeing them as two distinct priorities with competing strategies. For them to be successful, they want to create brands and demands that work well together.

Marketers in this type of profession recognize that when their audiences start considering products, they don't simply turn off their attention to brand marketing - and they don't forego engaging with demand marketing simply because they watched a brand ad. A company that makes it easy for a consumer to shift between brand and demand experiences as their interest directs them, rather than trying to guess which type of marketing they should engage in, sees to it that they do not have to guess. This will eliminate a lot of the risk of your marketing investments failing to generate any awareness and interest for your business.


While there is increasing evidence that performance marketing is likely to have a minimal impact on the performance of a brand without a brand strategy, it is likely to have an impact on their performance in general. A marketer should think of every opportunity that opens up today as well as the ones that open up tomorrow. Each marketer has to determine which types of marketing investments are likely to deliver results within the period that they have in front of them. Those of us who work in-demand marketing and/or marketing, in general, understand that consumers simply turn off their attention to brand marketing when they start considering products - and they do it simply because they watched a brand ad for ego-soothing reasons to engage with demand marketing.


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