What is the best way to pass your CCNA exam?
Joe Franzen
Creating machine learning test preparation for Cisco certification exams | AlphaPrep.net
The best way to pass the CCNA exam can be different depending on circumstances. One person's best path to exam success may not yield the same result for another. That being said, we can look at two different generalized paths. You can choose the one you think best fits your circumstance and get started on the correct path for exam success. Please note that none of these options are better than the other, it really just depends on the individual preparing for the exam.
Cisco Academy
In an academy, students will spend upwards of a year with an instructor going over, in detail, real-world problems. This will provide you with fundamental knowledge that can be later leveraged once you have been hired. However, academies can’t confidently let you take your exam until close to the course's end. This can be a big hindrance for anyone looking to start at an entry-level job in short order. Please note that an academy is also very expensive.
LMS(learning management system)
?An LMS is a software platform that is designed, in some way, to help you pass an exam. This path is great if you are not able to spend the extra cash on an academy. A competent LMS can get you prepared for the CCNA in as little as 2-3 months. I highly recommend alphaprep.net. It is new to the market but it is by far the most efficient player in the game. For those of you who are in an academy, adding the use of an LMS can be a great compliment to your overall game plan.