What is the best way to improve Soil Fertility?
Juci Corn Bio-tech Co.,Ltd
Professional supplier of corn steep liquor powder for feed and organic fertilizer。
Lack of adequate nutrient, the depletion of soil organic matter and soil erosion are the major obstacles to sustained agricultural production. As a key component of agricultural sustainability,?organic fertilizer?contributes greatly to improving soil fertility.For?example,Corn steep liquor powder(CSL powder)is a water-soluble organic fertilizer powder that derived from non-GMO corn, by product of corn wet milling process. It contains Organic NPK 7-6-6,Amino Acid and active peptides 35%,Organic matter 60%,Carbohydrate 31%,Trace elements and other growth promoting factors.
Corn steep liquor powder?can be applied directly, or it can be mixed with other liquid fertilizers, growth promoters (seaweed) or dry fertilizer, whether it is sprayed, irrigated,?foliar applied through soil.It is suitable for most plants.?????????????????????????
CSL powder has many positive effects as an organic fertilizer raw materials. Corn steep liquor powder?can provide the nutrients needed for crop growth,and it helps to build root system,enhance nutrient uptake and promote the natural growth of plants with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. it also contains micronutrients such as iron, sulfur and manganese, as well as amino acids, which are completely non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free.
The following section describes the benefits of applying organic fertilizers to soil:
1,Balanced nutrient supply
Organic fertilizers provide all essential crop nutrients (N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, B, Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni and Zn) in balanced forms, including micronutrients. This cannot be done with any kind of inorganic fertilizer.
2,Improving nutrient holding capacity
In addition to a balanced nutrient supply, organic fertilizers add organic material to the soil if a long-term application is practiced. Organic matter improves the nutrient holding capacity of the soil because it contains organic acids that increase the H+ ions and surface charge, causing the soil’s cation exchange capacity to increase. Thus, tthe ability of soil to hold more cations (nutrients) at exchange sites is increased and hence the nutrient holding capacity of the soil is also improved. Organic matter also improves the buffer capacity of the soil and increases the soil’s ability to resist a change in pH, which in turn affects nutrient loss or gain to the soil. Organic fertilizers increase microbial activity in the soil, causing increased nutrient mineralization rates for the benefit of crops. They stimulate the activities of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria?and arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi that form networks of root extension for extensive nutrient availability to crops. Upon the lysis and decomposition of soil microbes, nutrients retained in their biomass are made available in the soil and to crops.
3,Improving water holding capacity
The addition of organic matter by the application of organic fertilizer improves soil aggregation,?increases the surface area of the soil, and increases the space for soil particles to be surrounded by water film. As a result, the soil can hold more water against the pull of gravity which drains water from the soil.While soil organic matter binds soil particles, it also stimulates the activity of soil microfauna which produces micropores and macropores in the soil, creating additional space for water infiltration. Therefore, soil water holding capacity can be improved by the addition of organic fertilizers. Also, the physical presence of organic materials on the soil serves as mulch that reduces evaporation and retains moisture in the soil. It also reduces the speed of runoff water and allows rain or irrigation water to infiltrate the soil at favorable speed, thereby reducing erosion, soil and nutrient loss .
4,Improving soil texture and structure
The improvement of soil binding property and soil aggregation of organic matter can improve soil structure.The addition of organic matter also improves soil texture and aeration. Soils with improved structure and texture allow easy air, water, and root movement to support healthy crop growth.
Improving Soil Fertility with Organic Fertilizers
Mavis Badu Brempong and Abigail Addo-Danso
Submitted: August 13th, 2021 Reviewed: February 25th, 2022 Published: May 24th, 2022
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.103944
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