What is the Best Thing That Happened to YOU today?
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What is the Best Thing That Happened to YOU today?


What is the very BEST Thing that happened to you today?

@the end of the article receive my contribution to develop your happiness today??

?Today March 20th is the International Day of Happiness

?So are you happy??

Seeking Happiness is trendy these days, so trendy it makes me sad to see the tremendous efforts some people make to reach the holy grail of happiness. Thus, without stopping for a moment and looking at what they already have…

?Since 2013 the UN invite us to celebrate the International Day of Happiness.

?“’Happiness is a fundamental human goal. The United Nations General Assembly recognizes this goal and calls for “a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples” (resolution A/RES/66/281)”. (Nations, 2022)

?Now many reading my article, say “OH that kind of happiness”. Yes, that kind of happiness!

?After over two decades of what I could describe as a hysterical pursuit for individual accomplishment (occidental part of the world) that should make us happy, the world is hopefully moving from the need to reach “happiness” at all costs to a more balanced conception of Wellbeing and Good Life.

Last Friday the 2022 report of Happiness was issued. One chapter covers the trends in the conception of progress and wellbeing. Among many interesting findings, it stresses the fact that the frequency of use of the word happiness in publications in economics is in decline, being replaced by more specific words like subjective wellbeing and life satisfaction. For me, this is a key indicator telling us that there’s a maturation in the understanding of wellbeing outside the world of scholars in psychology. In other words, we are all concerned, and we can all act. ("Trends in conceptions of progress and well-being", 2022)

I would like to take the opportunity to discuss how one could take the UN statement, apply it to oneself and at the same time humbly contribute to the overall goal of happiness as stated above.

We all do know we are stronger together and do not need to be superstars or superheroes to make a difference, for ourselves, our friends and family, our community, and the planet. Just like in the plane, “the flight attendant instructs?you?to “put your?oxygen?mask?on?first,” before helping others”.

Happiness is an everyday job, it needs to be a blend of intentional thought through activities, the welcoming of authentic and spontaneous unexpected moments and beyond all the acceptance that things and people including me are not perfect and never will.

Not convinced yet?

·??????Have a look at the TWINS research showcasing that 50% of our happiness is indeed due to genetics and 10% from external factors, leaving us with 40% to act upon. (Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, & Schkade, 2005

·??????Watch the Barbara Frederickson explaining us how we can manage the balance of positive and negative emotions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hFzxfQpLjM

·??????Watch Robert Waldinger sharing the results of a 75 years long study on good life.

Good Relationships KEEP us happy and healthy, https://youtu.be/8KkKuTCFvzI

Finally, my gift to you today, a mental fitness exercise built on all of the above during which you will express your good intentions, experience and provoke some positive emotions, and last but not least build strong relationships.

1.????Call up a friend or a family member and ask them: “What was the best thing that happened to you today?”

2.????Listen carefully and appreciate the moment.

3.????Then ask yourself the same question and share with your friend or family member.

?This simple question invites you to search for the positive, feel it and share it. This is happiness in the moment for you and the other party.

This is you working on your and the other party’s wellbeing of tomorrow as you build your relationships, your community, your interdependence, your positive future.

?This exercise is told to provoke up to 14 different emotions including: Interest, awe, joy, gratitude, relatedness, respect, curiosity, love, courage, kindness, delight, playfulness relief and inspiration.

Now the best thing that could happen to me is you sharing your best thing below in a comment and eventually participate in the wellbeing study I conduct since 2019. https://forms.gle/4JbDwnpGXUqJLszj9*

*personal results available upon request), global results to be presented at the ECPP in June 2022

Have a good day,

[email protected]

Peggy Lee – It’s a Good Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If82O1e0bow


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