What Is The Best Commercial Real Estate Website In 2024?
“This newsletter is sponsored by your truly, Emin Okic and the Home Insights team.”

What Is The Best Commercial Real Estate Website In 2024?

What is the best commercial real estate website in 2024? There are websites that provide software, there are websites that focus on getting contact information, and there are websites that sell things. Every website has a different purpose so how can we rank the best one of them all?

My opinion of what a good commercial real estate website is a website that helps a commercial real estate broker get more leads, convert those leads into listings, and sell listings faster as a result of that website.

I know there are distractions all around us, but this strategy I’m about to share can change your life. I don’t want you to miss a single crucial step. So please, make a commitment to stay focused. Can you do that for yourself? Close out of Facebook. Stop checking your email. Turn off your cell phone. Give me your complete attention.

You are probably wondering why I am qualified to teach you this secret and in the next few sections, you will read more about my story.

Can you just do one thing for me right now? Imagine what your life will be like after you know how to get commercial real estate investors to your brokerage without having to market them yourself. Can you see the extra commission? Can you imagine growing your business to 7 figures and beyond? Would that make things better for you as a broker?

I am asking all these questions because I can personally say yes to all of them. I have seen commercial real estate brokers get more commission and grow their business to 7 figures and beyond by taking advantage of the internet. I have seen all the things people claim to be a scam or "fad". I have seen brokers miss out on tens of thousands of dollars in revenue by resisting the need to change for this new internet age.

How Does Internet Marketing Work For Real Estate?

It was May 2019. I was working at a commercial real estate firm on my college campus. It was in Ames, Iowa and I was a leasing agent. My goal was to sell as many apartments as possible in the shortest time possible.

In the Summers we were expected to sell twice as much as we normally sell and in the winters we were still expected to close… December or January can be some of the toughest months to lease.

It was 6 pm and I must have been staring at this computer all day. I mean all day.

I was looking at a spreadsheet with a list of names.

To most people these names and all the columns next to those names wouldn’t make any sense.

To me, these names were gold. Why? They were names of people who had just responded to my ad on Craigslist for an apartment by campus. I was stoked. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe someone had gone out of their own way… to reach out to me… for an apartment I wanted to lease.

“Is this still available?’

Those were the words. Those were the best words and are still my favorite words to read in an email. You see this was a crazy epiphany because for the longest time I thought selling was a game of luck.

I thought some people were destined to be great sales people… and I also thought that some people were destined to be terrible sales people.

I spent my whole life thinking that sales can’t be measured because persuasion and selling things is not a measurable process.

And I am proud to admit today that I was completely wrong in that assumption. Selling on the internet changed my life. In the old world, the world where you had to guess and persuade, I would have died. I wasn’t built for the old way of selling and leasing real estate and my guess is maybe you weren’t either.

That is why I am bringing you this feee value today because I want you to be able to get more leads, and more listings for free. In this new world, we can all win. We can all get leads and I can share all my secrets with you without worrying about losing anything valuable.


I believe that if I can help you, I mean really just deliver enough value that you are like “wow this guy is incredible.”…. I mean if I can do that… then I will consider it fair for you to think about me next time you need to marker your next commercial real estate listing. Fair enough? Cool. Let’s keep going.

With the right platform — the right dream customer — the right headline — and the right body copy — you can essentially find the right customer. Not just that. You can find the right customer — every single time… without losing your peace of mind over it. Would you be against learning how to do that? Well that is what I plan on sharing with you today.

Introducing What Is Included With This Week’s Newsletter

In this week’s Sunday newsletter, you really are getting something special. Today you are getting access to something that I don’t share with many people. I am sharing access to you something that many people don’t share in general… and I am sharing it because I want you to succeed as an agent and broker.

As a commercial real estate agent and broker, you deserve free resources to grow your brokerage. I want you to have those free resources and that is my mission with this Sunday newsletter that you are reading right here, right now.

My name is Emin Okic and I have been helping real estate brokers and real estate investors get more leads and as a result… get more deals because of my marketing and lead generation services.

In this newsletter I am sharing with you a free guide on how to build your own marketing funnel to get leads on your next internet ad campaign today. As a bonus, I will give you some free secrets to writing headlines and body copy for the funnel I am sharing with you today. Keep reading to find out more.

Introducing The New World Of Selling Commercial Real Estate With Sales Funnels

In today's article I will quickly share with you why I feel having the right website is important as a real estate broker trying to succeed in 2024. In the next 30 minutes, you can expect to get the following 3 things:

  1. You will understand new world of commercial real estate in the digital age
  2. I will share with you one of my favorite sales funnels for getting commercial real estate brokers leads
  3. You and I will wrap up by recapping the value that sales funnels and internet marketing can bring to commercial real estate brokers around the world

In this next section, I will share with you the free plus shipping marketing funnel. One of my favorite funnels for helping brokers get more commercial real estate investors to their inbox without half the work. Keep reading to see how you can build your own CRE marketing funnel for free.

How To Build This Sales Funnel For CRE Brokers In Under 30 Minutes

My name is Emin Okic and I have been helping real estate brokers get more leads and sell listings faster for the past 3+ years.

In the next 15 minutes, you are going to learn my exact strategy for "how to get more CRE investor leads without handing out a single flyer yourself".

Are Sales Funnels Dead?

Are sales funnels dead? By the end of this section, you will have all the information you need to make that conclusion yourself. Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I thought sales funnels were dead until this one thing happened.

It was 2022, and I just spent hundreds of dollars buying all the plugins for my new website. There it was... the "publish" button. I had been waiting weeks to finally click that special button. So I did what naturally comes after finishing your website... and that is publishing it.

After I clicked publish, I had expected my business to take off like crazy. I had expected customers to line up from around the world trying to order my product. I had thought that all I needed was a .com and a website for me to scale my business to 6 figures and beyond. I thought I had it all figured out with this "entrepreneurship" thing.

But the strangest thing happened after I hit publish. In fact it is not so strange at all. I wish something strange would have happened because at least then something would have happened. Why? I learned the hard way that getting a website online is just the first part to getting customers to that website.

In 2023, I set out to discover what websites can be used to get more customers and sell more products as a result. This whole time I had thought just having a website up and running would be everything I need to sell on the internet... but I was wrong. Very wrong.

As a computer scientist, I figured I already had enough user interface design experience to build engaging websites. Turns out, I did not know nearly enough as much as I claimed to know.

School had taught me a different way of thinking about the user experience. School taught me to build tech products with strict requirements and no need for knowing the customer. School never taught me how to think about the job being done, and school did not teach me how to design a website based on the user's personal journey to solving a job they want done.

It would not be until I started reading books by Clayton Christensen and Running Lean by Ash Maurya that I would start thinking about the user experience differently. Clayton Christensen saw that understanding the job a user wants done is the first step to building a product that the user cannot live without. Ash Maurya took it a step further by sharing the idea of a "heroes journey" which can be used to identify all the issues a user might face getting a job done and the friction to adopting a new and better tech product.

I thought I was ready to go at it again, but I was wrong. I launched the second version of my website in early 2023 but was still getting no new customers from my website. I was now getting traffic, but I was not getting anyone to buy. I could not figure out why. I felt like I tried everything I could to get more customers but I was stuck.

Then in the Summer of 2023, I found Russell Brunson, Dan Kennedy, Alex Hormozi, and the internet marketing team. I got obsessed with Alex Hormozi first and learned how to make an offer. Then Dan Kennedy inspired me to make engaging sales letters. Finally, I fell in love with Russell Brunson.

Russell Brunson has three books which cover the art of making money on the internet. Russell was also the first person to coin the term "Sales Funnel" and turn it into a theory that is used by tens of millions of people today.

It would not be until I finished "Dotcom Secrets" by Russell Brunson that I would see how much effort goes into a "simple website". It would not be until I built hundreds of sales funnels for real estate brokers and investors that I would learn how hard it is to build a website that actually gets customers.

So to answer the question, are sales funnels dead? I think not. I feel like sales funnels are more alive today than ever. Sales funnels went from a theory to a built out concept for helping entrepreneurs make money using the internet. Sales funnels changed the way we think about designing websites and sales funnels changed the way we sell on the internet for good.

Sales funnels are far from dead. Do not avoid the truth simply because you do not like advertisers. Sales funnels have helped more people become millionaires in the 2000s more than anything else in our generation. I also feel that this trend will continue to grow as the internet integrates with our lives more smoothly every year.

Do not forget! At the end of this newsletter, I am going to give you a secret link where you can download the sales funnel I am about to show you today. You have to read all the way through to get the special free sales funnel, so stick around. I promise it will be worth your time.

What Are Sales Funnels Used For?

We cannot cover all of this in an hour or even a day. You need more. That is why I am excited to write you this newsletter where you can get it all for free!

Let me ask you a question... would you be against getting more listings and selling those listings faster? If I was a broker I feel like I would.

Sales Funnels are used to help business owners get more customers to buy more things at their business using the internet.

A funnel is just another word for the "User Experience" or the "Heroes Journey". A funnel can be used to document that user experience that business owners can easily understand. It is essentially like defining the customer in a way that anyone can easily share and understand.

This section will share with you my secrets for building a sales funnel to help you get more commercial real estate investors to your (virtual) door. I will do this by walking you through the same exact process I use to build sales funnels for myself and for other real estate brokers in the commercial real estate space. You ready?

If all I did was help you get more listings in 2024... would the extra commission checks be worth it to you?

I can tell you that if I was a broker, a free guide to get more listings and as a result, more commission, would 100% be worth it for me.

Money is a tool for exchange. You spend money to get something back in return for your investment. Over the last 2+ years, I have spent thousands learning to build sales funnels that actually work. I have spent thousands of dollars searching for the secrets that will help me make money on the internet. I have spent thousands of my hard earned dollars discovering what makes the best websites work and why. That is when I ran into this one sales funnel that I am about to show you.

Sales funnels are used to help you get more leads and more sales. Sales funnels can be thought of as marketing flyers for the new information age. Instead of handing someone a welcome packet and a brochure, customers now get and expect a website to give them all the information they need.

Sales funnels help make the customer confident about your product.

Sales funnels help make the customer confident about you.

And sales funnels help make the customer confident about your company and your mission.

Sales funnels are the digital version of persuading someone. It is essentially a powerpoint presentation without you needing to be there. In fact, you can even make virtual webinars that are literally you presenting without you actually presenting in real life.

Keep reading to the next section to see how sales funnels work quickly at a high level.

How Do Sales Funnels Work?

In 2021, I was sitting in a computer science class. I was in a large lecture hall. Three levels of seating with the back room being the highest to the ceiling.

Then there was the professor. He stood at the front facing us. Behind him were about 3 chalk boards lined up side by side. Plus there were 2 rows of chalkboards up. The lecture hall had new equipment but you could feel that it had been built for another generation.

“Systems in a business are designed in exactly the same architecture as the communication structure in a company” my professor says.

Systems in a business are identical to the communication structure of the business? I don’t get that. How can that even be possible?

In June 2021, I set out to discover what that really means. I discovered a man named Melvin Conway. He did a lot to explain the role of an IT department inside a business and how business system architectures form to the organization, not the other way around. He said so in the famous quote you will see next.

"Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations."

— Melvin Conway, Author Of How Do Committees Invent?

You can read Conway’s novel paper using the link below:


Finally… how do sales funnels work?

Sales funnels work because they imitate the real life purchasing process a consumer goes through before they buy something.

Sales funnels are the digital equivalent of creating a pleasant buyer experience to get more sales.

That’s not all. I have designed sales funnels strapped with metrics to learn from the user experience. You can make your sales funnel better by using real data from real customers. Where in the real life counterpart, you have to guess at what factors had a role in your customer buying.

Sales funnels work by modeling the decision making process for going with you as a broker online, on the internet. If you usually set up two meetings, then your funnel should have two steps.

If you need to give your customer a brochure to get their contact information, then you might benefit from a two step funnel that gives commercial real estate investors a free market report in exchange for their email and phone number.

That is how sales funnels work. They are web pages — ordered together — to create a user experience that puts the user in a more likely position to buy your product as a result of going to the funnel.

In the next section, I will share with you my biggest issue that has come with building sales funnels over the last 3+ years and what I have learned as a result of failing over and over. I learned that there isn’t actually just one kind of funnel. There are more ways to apply the theory of a internet funnel than just selling. Read the next section to see what I discovered.

My Biggest Issue With Using Sales Funnels Instead Of Marketing Funnels

It was January 2024, I had just finished all the internet marketing books you could find.

It started with Alex Hormozi’s $100M Offers. I learned how to craft a really great offer to sell people easier.

Then I read $100M Leads also by Hormozi. Learned how to get leads with my offer.

But then I needed more. So I found more.

In January 2024, I got an ad for a program called “Magnetic Marketing” by this Dan Kennedy guy. I felt like this could get me closer to building a 7 figure business. I bought the program.

I get introduced to Russell Brunson and Dan Kennedy and begin hammering away at books like Dotcom Secrets, and Traffic Secrets.

By January 2024, I had discovered how to design a sales funnel and get traffic for that sales funnel on nearly every major platform available today.

But I was missing something...

I was missing such a key part of my internet marketing process.

I was trying to sell random people up front on a product, company, and service that they had no clue about…


That was when I discovered the prospecting funnel. A funnel designed to simply build more brand recognition before you go in for a sale. This can be something as simple as a 5 day email marketing campaign or subtle calls over a few months.

Prospecting funnels changed my life and in these next articles, I will share with you my secrets for building a prospecting funnel that will help you two things:

  1. Warm the lead up to you, your brand, and your product. Even if they scroll past your email, that small touch could help you close more deals.
  2. Convert more leads from ads by creating offers that are row risk, low commitment, and high reward.

In the next section, I will share with you how I have helped brokers around the U.S. get more leads with funnels.

How A Sales Funnel Can Help You Get Up To 17x More Leads As A Broker

It was August 2024. By now I have been helping real estate investors on the east coast of the United States for some time.

I was sitting down on a call with one of my customers from Maryland. Every week, I like to reserve 30 minutes time for each of my customers so that they can see all the value we have been delivering for them.

In these quick 30 minute calls I like to answer any questions or concerns the customer might have about the current level of service we have been providing. Mostly, I like to get all the complaints and use those to create a better offering for next week. I notice that complaints today tend to become objections during next month‘s subscription.

The question that came from my customer during this call was one I get often but still surprises me to hear every time. It is the one I am about to share with you next.

“What does a website have to do with me getting single families off the market?”

What a great question… and not an usual question for investors and brokers to ask either.

Most people think of websites as a thing in isolation. Most brokers think websites are simply a requirement to check off after they are done building their company website. They think “oh I already have a website for my business, I don’t need any more“ and follow that up with “I am not a tech company, I shouldn’t have to build websites to grow my business.”.

They are wrongly assuming the business they are in. Why? I say that because in 2024, every company is a “tech company”. Every company is a tech company because most competitive services and products in the marketplace today rely on tech.

Intuit does finances but where would intuit be if it did not have the tech suite it had today?

Salesforce helps sales teams but where would Salesforce be without the tech platform it has today?

In todays world, commercial real estate brokers and agents need to put the customer first and tech at a close second if they want to succeed and thrive in the marketplace.

As a broker you solve problems for commercial real estate investors who are looking to buy their next investment or sell their next multi-family building. So where does tech play a role in that? Tech helps you solve problems for your customers faster than you ever could alone.

Back to the earlier examples… Intuit helps businesses manage their finances and Intuit helps people manage their finances easier than ever before using tech solutions like Quickbooks and TurboTax. Salesforce helps sales teams build deeper relationships with their prospects, leads, and customers while also helping the company generate more revenue from selling more as a result.

Tech is more than just a company website or a single CRM. Tech is a system of systems to help you deliver more value to commercial real estate investors buying or selling their next commercial building… and tech helps you as the broker get more leads and sell more listings faster as a result too.

So how does a simple website help me get brokers and investors more buyers and sellers? I use a sequence of web pages to navigate my customers through a buying journey that will make them more likely to go with my services as a result. For brokers this means getting them more commercial real estate investors looking to buy their next multi-family apartment building or sell their current medical office space.

In March of 2024, I had the opportunity to help Matt M. from CashHomeInvestors with his lead generation issues. Matt was running a 7 figure real estate investing business but Matt was struggling to step away from his business. The deeper issue? Matt wanted to make money real estate investing without having to be in the business all day.

Then in late March 2024, I worked with my team to build Matt a new and engaging sales funnel. The funnel was designed to help Matt attract more motivated sellers in Texas and get them to his inbox faster… without Matt needing to do any cold outreach by himself.

In just under 7 days, I was able to get Matt a new landing page to help him generate 45% more leads and convert motivated sellers at a 300% better return on ad spend than industry standards.

With just a simple website, Matt was able to close over 2+ new deals a month and get over $6000+ a month in new monthly recurring revenue because of our work. That simple website, which is a small cost… is projected to help Matt get $72,000 more in 2024 alone.

In the next section, I will share with you my favorite funnel that I use to help CRE brokers get more leads and more listings without half the work. Keep reading to find out the funnel that changed my life.

How To Build One Of My Favorite Marketing Funnels For CRE Brokers In 2024

If all you needed to do was follow one guide to get a funnel you can use for the rest of your life…. would you be against doing it?

How To Design Your Sales Funnel

“A quick overview of the layout I use for most introduction prospecting funnels.

In this section, I will share with you a layout I use to help brokers get more leads. I like to keep things really simple and so this discussion should be simple. Fair enough?

If at any point you feel like you want to discuss the validity of one of my ideas, reach out or leave a comment.

The header is where 80% of your ad spend goes so it is the most important to down the art of making headlines for your ad. I personally loved Tested Advertising Methods by the legendary John Caples. Ogilvy on Advertising was also a great read as well.

The headline on your funnel will be the extended version of the headline of your actual ad. If you are running Google Ads, you can only expect to get 30 characters at most per headline so be careful.

Going Through An Example Together

In this part we will design a headline together that you can use for your next marketing funnel. Later in the newsletter, I will share with you my free secrets for writing headlines that hook.

Suppose you are a commercial real estate broker looking to get more sellers and in turn get more listings.

You live in Chicago and you are looking to get commercial real estate investors who own property in Chicago. Ideally these commercial real estate investors should be people who have owned a property for at least 10+ years — live out of state — and have other properties available.

Then I would define 2 things:

Pain: Might consider selling if you can solve the pain of an out of state property

Goal: Help them get the most value on their commercial multi-family without any headaches

Your goal is then to solve their pain and get them to their goal in as little time as possible with as little work as possible. You know more about being a broker than me so I will leave you to figure that out.

In the next article, I will quickly share with you one of the marketing funnels I personally use all the time so keep on scrolling to find out.

Sharing An Example Headline In Action For My Website Marketing Funnel

“This is one of the house funnels we use to build lists of leads at the Home Insights Hub”

This is personally one of my favorite prospecting funnels to use for two reasons right away:

  1. It is a simpler layout. A simpler layout means less change complexity. Less complexity means it is easier to split test. This makes this funnel easy to tailor to your niche as a broker.
  2. Time Tested And Proven — this funnel has been used in newspapers and maybe that’s what makes it so engaging … I don’t know, but people love it. This funnel is one of the highest converting funnels for new prospects I have found to date.

In the next section, I will share with you two free headlines you can use which might be tailored to you better as a commercial real estate broker or agent. Check out the next article below to get your two free headlines.

Introducing The Two Free Headlines

Here are what I would make your two free headlines:

“Just Suppose You Could Sell Your Listing For More Than Its Worth Without Any Headaches”

If you plan to tie this to paid ads then you could lead the paid ad to this headline by using something like:

“If You Buy Real Estate Out Of State. Watch Out. Free Market Report Inside.”

In the paid ad headline I am targeting people who invest out of state and mention a whiff of a free market report for their market inside. I do this so we can filter out anyone who already lives in state and could just be looking for a free market research report.

People like free… and they will take advantage of that opportunity every single day for the rest of eternity. Free is by far one of the best words to use in any ad and so it makes it impossible to avoid using it.

In this next quick spin-off, you will learn my secret for writing the body copy of this prospecting funnel. Keep reading to see what happens next.

Use This One Free Body Copy In Your Next Prospecting Ad Today

This one body copy template I will share with you today is the script I use to build most of my best prospecting funnels. This script I am about to share with you is personally my favorite for two reasons:

  1. This script is to the point. When a property owner doesn’t know you, being direct is to your advantage.
  2. You can use it in pretty much any scenario as a broker or investor which makes it really great to learn.

Here is what I would write in the body copy for your next marketing funnel. Let’s assume I am Jake R, a commercial real estate broker looking to get more motivated buyers today.

Let’s suppose my ad is something like “Get Your Free Cash Offer Today” and this somehow works because you are buying smaller commercial multi-families.

I automatically know that any commercial property owner looking to get a free offer on their property today is looking to potentially sell.

Maybe not 100%… sure. A small tell is better than no tell when it comes to creating deals in the market.

Now to the point. My body copy for the headline we just gave above would be something like the following below.

Introducing Free Body Copy You Can Use In Your Next Ad Campaign

Hey I am Jake R, owner of R Realty.

I have got a free gift that’s going to show you how to get your units leased up.

If you have been struggling with keeping units rented then you need to get your free leasing guide today because it will show you how you can get your units leased up for free.

Just fill out the form on the next page of this website. Click the button below to get your free multi-family leasing guide while they last.

Let me know your shipping address, and I will send you a copy right away.

The first part of your prospecting funnel should be mostly done. Keep following me because I promise the free content I will share with you next will be worth your time. Promise.

In the next article, I will share with you my secret layout. A secret layout that I have been using for the last 2+ years to convert leads and grow my list without scraping random databases.

I am sharing this with you because I trust you. I trust that if I can give you enough value, you will let me know what your biggest pains are.

How To Design The Second Stage Of Your Marketing Funnel

“This is the special lead gen page we use to grow our list at the Home Insights Hub.”

After the user clicks the button to go to the next page, they have done a special thing.

I used to think that I should just put the form out right away and ask the prospect to fill it out, over the last few years I realized it is a journey you have to take the prospect on.

I learned that the only I could get prospects was to lead them down a journey that made the experience worth saying yes to.

After the user clicks the “Yes, Please Show Me More” button, they have done something great. That button is actually one of the most important parts to qualifying our prospects before they even get on our list.

The action of a cold prospect clicking on that “yes” button is an action that transforms a cold prospect to a warm prospect and that is pretty great.

A Quick Exercise To Figure Out Your Free Gift

One exercise I like to do to figure out my free gifts is to think about what I would want as a buyer myself. It should be something physical because physical products tend to convert a lot better than just digital items. Plus with physical products, you can offer the digital version free right away and then give them the free physical product later. A 2x improvement in value delivered… worth it in my books.

So if I was a commercial real estate investor looking to sell my property in a place like Chicago, and I have owned the place for a while… I might want some of the following things:

  • I would love a free market research report on my properties specific zip code so I can know how my investment is performing.
  • I would love a free offer on my home so I can at least know what my home is worth even if I didn’t plan on selling it.

There are more we could do there but I want to stay focused on our niche. Remember the free gift should be physical. You can offer it for free and just charge them for shipping. Studies show this shouldn’t affect conversion rates too much and you get to qualify buyers at the same time.

How To Build This Out In WordPress For Free

Do you already use a Wordpress hosting site? If you don’t I would highly recommend a few in case you are interested. Just message me to learn more.

You would just use a “header component” and it’s html equivalent is just:

<h1>Your Header </h1>

The body or the sales letter would be a paragraph component and it’s HTML equivalent would be:

<p>Your Body Copy</p>

And then you would have your transition which I just used an arrow down for mine… I found it converts better. It’s HTML equivalent is:

<img src=“” />

And finally we add our call to action which is the yes button. The equivalent for that is:

<button>Yes… I want to know more</button>

And that is mostly it! Have you been following so far?

I personally love using Beaverbuilder to get this done because BeaverBuilder makes my life simpler in so many ways. You can save comments — you can create layouts that convert leads to customers — you can get a better return in your ad spend with funnels that look good.

At the end of the day it is your choice. You can always reach out to me personally if you have any questions. Just message me on LinkedIn and let’s see where it goes.

P.S. If you want to see a free example of a prospecting funnel I use almost daily to get real estate brokers and investors leads, check out our website here:


Bonus Chapter — How To Get Headlines That Work Without The Trial And Error

In this section, I will share with you easy ways to come up with headlines that work. If you want to actually dive deeper into headlines, I would recommend reading Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples.


If 80% of your ad spend goes to your headlines… then doesn’t it make sense to put 80% of your effort getting good at that one part?

By the end of this quick section you should have:

  • 1 new template you can use in your next ad campaign
  • and 1 new exercise you can do to start writing your own headlines that convert.

Introducing Template #1

“{TARGET STATE} Real Estate Investors. Get Your Special Free X Report Right Now. Offer Only Valid Today.“

Why I Like This Template

I am personally a big fan of this template because of three things:

  1. It is hyper specific because we target the state we are advertising in. Honestly, I will even go as specific as a city or a village just to get higher conversions for free.
  2. You are establishing yourself as an expert in the field by delivering free reports of something. Most cases I have seen have been free market reports in the place you are advertising in. Free gifts convert higher than no free gifts.
  3. This headline works for your websites as well as your paid ads. Since these headlines work well for paid ads, you can make the transition from ad to funnel a lot smoother as a result and convert more real estate leads into listings.

In the next part, I will share with you 3 free headlines you can use in your next ad campaign today if you’re a commercial real estate broker or agent looking to get more leads.

3 Free Headlines You Can Use In Your Next Ad Campaign Today

Here are three examples I would write if I were the following person:

  1. Jim Slice
  2. Commercial real estate investor 20+ years
  3. Lives in Chicago
  4. Buys and sells large multi-family apartments in Chicago.
  5. 50 years old.

Let’s also assume this is the target customer our Jim Slice is looking for.

  1. The dream client should buy and sell large multi-families in Chicago.
  2. The dream client should be someone who is 50+ years old and can afford commercial real estate.
  3. The dream client is someone with a yearly income of $500,000 and more.
  4. The dream client is someone who lives in Chicago.
  5. The dream client is someone who enjoys brick multi-families.
  6. The dream client is someone who loves learning more about their market.

With the person and the dream client defined, we can finally start writing some headlines.

  • Chicago Real Estate Investors. Get Your Special Free Chicago Multi-Family Market Report Now. Only Available Today.
  • Chicago Multi-Family Owners. Get Your Special Free Multi-Family Market Report Now. Only Available Today.
  • Chicago Multi-Family Investors. Get Your Special Free Chicago Market Report Now. Only Available Today.

Those are 3 free headlines you can use in your next paid ad campaign. Just keep mixing and playing with things to figure it out.

In the next part, I will share with you one free exercise to write headlines that will attract leads like never before.

1 Exercise To Write High Converting Headlines

It was March 2024… I was running paid ads and slowly starting to get customers but it wasn’t enough.

“I just cannot figure it out.” I told my friend.

“Figure out what?” He replied.

“I just cannot figure out how to get leads with paid traffic, let alone organically.” I answered desperately.

I continued.

“I have been trying to get leads for years and I haven’t been able to make any progress. 100M Offers and 100M Leads were great for getting started but I need more technical ad writing help to get this job done”


I figured it out. I need to learn how to write better ads. That was when I stumbled into books like:

  • Ogilvy On Advertising
  • Tested Advertising Methods
  • Traffic Secrets

One of my favorite lessons from all 3 books has been the exercise on writing headlines from Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples.

I set a timer to write headlines using a few template headlines like that and write headlines for 12 minutes.

By the end of the 12 minutes, I pick my 3 favorites, test them out, and toss the rest.

One Commercial Real Estate Marketing Tip In 2024

There I was in May 2024. Not that long ago. Spending hundreds a week on Google ads. I wasn’t getting anything back in return though.

I figured just as much. I had never been too talented and I never expect anything to go easy anymore. I quickly get onto Google Ads Manager and start tracking the data points on my most recent ad campaign.

I open up my journal and I write one question to start the ingestion.

“What is the biggest thing holding me back right now?”

I start looking at all the data points I can find.

1375 Impressions

432 Clicks

0 Conversions


I think I know what’s going on.

The ad is getting views. The ad is getting clicked on so we can agree that the headline is at least somewhat engaging… but somewhere along the way the prospect is leaving. Actually they are leaving the ad journey right after they get to the website.

That tells me one thing. The website probably sucks. The marketing funnel I have built clearly doesn’t do the job it is supposed to for these investors and property owners.

I started checking the ad. I couldn’t find anything too crazy. I wasn’t split testing anything. I wasn’t trying anything out of this world. I wasn’t testing for mobile devices.

Double oops. I caught my mistake again.

I learned a long time ago that it is always better to make ads for a device because every device has different dimensions.

When you get real good, you can eventually afford to make your websites cross compatible but for those first years, you will? have a much easier time making each of your internet funnels tailored to a device. Personally, I like to focus on iPhone or mobile users because that is easier. You could also focus on desktop users because it is usually easy to build a website for them since most of the time you build websites on a PC.

Testing It Out

There it was. Right in front of me. This whole time.

The biggest reason I wasn’t getting any conversions had been right in front of me this whole time. I get off my computer and start looking for my phone.

I look around my room and see my black standing desk. I walk over to the standing desk and grab my iPhone 11.

I scan my face, unlock my phone, find the chrome app, open up the chrome app, and start typing in the following url….


I went to my website and started looking at it from a whole new perspective. I was looking at my ad and my marketing funnel through a whole new perspective. Things were different now. Why? The life of a mobile customer is different than the life of a desktop customer. When it comes to your website and the journey your users go on, the device they are using does matter… and it does matter how you present your ad on each device to make sure it makes sense.

That is one thing I wish I had focused on earlier. If all you needed to do to convert 2x or more real estate leads was to tailoring your ad and marketing funnel to a device, would you be against doing it? In the article you just read, I shared with you what I felt like helped me run better ads and internet marketing strategies over the last few years.

Announcing How You Can Get Your Free Sales Funnel Today By Doing This One Thing Right Now

If all you needed to do was send one message to start getting a marketing system to get you leads today, would you be against taking that risk?

In the last few articles of the Moving The Needle Sunday Newsletter, you learned how to make your own sales funnel to get commercial real estate leads plus you learned how to make your own headlines.

If you are looking for more examples, you can always reach out over LinkedIn’s messaging feature, and I can share with you more examples of sales funnels you can use for your next internet marketing campaign.

In the next section, I will wrap up this weeks newsletter by recapping everything that went down.

My Favorite Part About Learning To Make Internet Ads

Sales funnels help you sell and marketing funnels help you get leads to sell to. When you are a broker, you need to figure out your balance between the two funnels.

Personally I have found more luck by focusing my time on marketing funnels since marketing funnels have helped me.

How To Get More Listings In 2024 With This One Internet Marketing Secret

Chris was getting tired.

He was getting tired of all the calls he had to make.

He was getting tired of all the emails he had to send.

He was getting tired of all the work he had to do just to close one deal.

He was over all the effort it took just to get one check as an agent.

Chris then goes on to meet this guy who has a team to help. He goes on to tell Chris about this new thing called paid ads and internet marketing. He shares with Chris all the success stories about why it works.

Chris gets his new website in just under 7 days. The guy calls them “marketing funnels”… whatever that means. It is me. Chris was talking to me.

I work with my team to build Chris an offer that is irresistible and works up a value ladder. We start with a free offer and usually work our way up to offers in the thousands. We then wrap up with a continuity program with is a subscription to get exclusive access to something usually.

We start targeting keywords like “what is my property worth” to get Chris ranking at the top for this search because we want to attract motivated sellers to his site.

Using tools like Moz, we are able to find the highest ranking content for “what is my home worth” and find the authors and their emails for the most part. I email each one of the authors asking them to see if they can promote our content since it is an add on to their original post. Some people say yes. Some people tell me to bug off.

Introducing Day 30

“I can’t believe it has already been 30 days.” says Chris.

“I can’t believe we are getting all these leads.” He continues.

“I am happy for you.” I respond.

I really was happy for him. We worked so hard to get the paid Google ads working for him. Plus the Facebook ads too. Something didn’t feel right though. It felt like the job wasn’t done. I didn’t want to rely on paid traffic alone so I set out to do the only thing I knew how. Deliver value.

I set out to help Chris get even more leads without spending more money on paid ads. After failing over and over again, I ended up doing just that by getting Chris ranked in the top 2 for other keywords like “no obligation offer on multifamily” and “free multi-family offers” to help him generate over 7x more leads organically.

The One Big Difference

The one big difference was tailoring the keywords using research. We even used research to pick keywords that most of our leads were searching on but had the lowest cost to acquire. Giving us a nice advantage over people using the guess and check method.

In this article you got a free research report on all the value funnels can deliver you. Plus at no extra charge... you got a free guide to building your own marketing funnel as a commercial real estate broker.

Sales funnels sound like an easy practice, but are hard to master. After reading today's newsletter, do you feel like you were able to find a new way to grow your business a broker? If you didn't, then just say so on LinkedIn and I will work hard to tailor my next content to you better in the future.


Emin "I Heart Funnels" Okic


One Thing To Do Before You Market Your Next Commercial Real Estate Listing With Facebook Ads In 2024

“You are wasting your money”

“Why would you pay money to sell your thing when you can go on a few minutes a day and sell your thing?”

My friend had a point… but I wasn’t going to let him have it.

“You just don’t get it. Paid ads on Facebook sell for you when you’re not there.” I responded.

I kept going… “That means you have someone selling your product when you’re on vacation. That is someone marketing your ad when you are sleep. Why would you not invest a few dollars to get that kind of service?”.

“Prove me wrong then. Help me sell my mobile home using a Facebook ad and I’ll give you a part of it.” my friend responds.

“Deal.” I quickly reply.

Marketing The Mobile Home

I was marketing the mobile home using paid Facebook ads. I was so arrogant. I thought I could easily write a quick headline — post a few pictures and call it a day. I thought I would write a quick ad and this mobile home would sell itself. I mean people have sold mobile homes with Facebook ads before right? I know it’s possible.

In short, I failed. I did not get any leads for my friends mobile home. I lost that better and worse, I lost hundreds of dollars testing the ad as my reward. I spent a lot of time looking back trying to figure out why I failed. It was pretty obvious. I didn’t define my dream customer from the start. I was doomed before I even launched an ad.

You see, unless you have a Pepsi budget, you can’t afford everyone to be your customer when you run paid ads. That would be like trying to fund a campaign to send flyers to everyone in America. Sure… it’s technically good advertising but you would just need to save up for the next 5 lifetimes to even have a chance of running one ad.

The One Thing That Made Me A Star Facebook Ad Man

Unless you have a Pepsi budget, you are stuck with the buggiest issue of all. You are stuck with the issue of money. Worse. You are stuck with the issue of not having enough money. So that means one thing. We need to be economical about how we spend the money on our next ad campaign. It means if I am going to “hand out flyers” digitally, then each person I meet should be focused and targeted.

In November 2023, my life changed when I was running one of my Facebook ads because I had finally learned to do this one thing I am about to share with you today. I learned how to create audiences. With a few lessons in list building from the School Of Hard Knocks, I quickly became familiar with the process of building lists.

Using things like the first name, last name, and email of all the prospects I wanted, I could target them or people just like them on my next Facebook ad campaign. Just like that, I was able to go from handing out flyers to every person walking, to only handing out digital flyers to people who were actually interested or people whom I actually want to be interested in my product… and I could do it without hardly any extra cost. In fact, building a targeted audience before launching my Facebook ad campaigns helped me convert over 2x more leads for real estate agents and investors around the United States. Easy win.

Insightful read on the power of sales funnels in commercial real estate! In today’s digital age, mastering these tools is crucial for success. At Imlaak, we’re focused on leveraging such strategies to 10x your real estate investments. ??


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