What Are the Best Apps for Making Money?
????? There are really interesting apps, and there are some really bad ones. I want to talk about understanding the investment apps that I believe can change your entire financial future and it's what I use exclusively. The second thing I want to talk about, how are you learning to manage cash flow through technology? And I'm going to talk a little bit about some cryptos in that as well. And then the last thing I want to talk about is just the importance of starting with your financial education. A lot of you are wanting just the magic wand or some simple app to magically transform your life and change everything. It's just not going to do it. If you don't have a YouTube journal, we've been doing that pretty aggressively because it has what date, the topic, what you learn. You have one for your family. It just creates this learning journal for 52 weeks of this year. https://askloral.com/youtubejournal.
???? So first of all, let's understand the importance and what are, I believe, the best technologies, because I'm using them, to really secure your financial future. There is an app, it's actually a software called iFlip https://iflipapp.com/. I have an enormous amount invested in it. And the reason I like it more than Robinhood or just the straight stock market is, it’s smart folios that are AI driven that do the trades for you. So you can pick between a whole house, including cryptocurrencies. There's oil and gas. There's a red oil, which is a combination of oil stocks, which are giving great dividends right now. Pipeline stocks are giving great dividends. So that's just a great place to be. But my point is that app, it's not even giving advice. It takes you in and out of the stock market so you don't get these big drops. You say, “Oh my broker is handling it.” Really? So did they let you lose 30% in 2020 and 24% to 28% in 2022? I mean, why would you let somebody take you down 30% and then continue with you to take you down another 20 to 30%? I mean, some of you, you got to lean in and it's not about the fear and I have risk and all of that. That's just noise. You don't know it, you have a lack of knowledge. So lean in, unless you're a trader who's gonna be up with the market and go to bed with the market, which some of you are, then this app is supplemental to you because you're gonna be doing your own trades. You really need to just have it on auto. The most I've ever lost in one kind of period of time, like in 2020 when you lost 30% and your park and pray broker says, “Oh, it's okay,” you're in for the long haul. Do you know how many years this is gonna take? I mean, if you're 50 or older, you're not going to catch up. You've lost it. You have a million bucks. You've lost like 300 grand. You think that's okay? And they're not getting penalized or disqualified for doing it. In a software, I've only lost about up to 3%. And it puts you into cash and then it puts you back in the market. It was designed by one of the smartest economists, physicists, mathematicians. I know he ran over $600 billion for the Deutsche bank. So I think he's got it nailed and he built us the software. So I highly encourage you to grab a free app below, get started with iFlip, and it is where I play into the market. And I do some Smartfolios in crypto over there too. The thing too about iFlip versus say Robinhood is Robinhood is just another platform for you to guess and trade inside. There's no out. And when we look at some NASDAQ award processes that we went up for, iFlip wins all the time. So if you're in Robinhood, dump it, move it all to iFlip and get in a safer portfolio, get in a safer software so you don't get killed as we're going to rock and roll through this presidential year. Yes, we're recording in early 2024.
???? The other app that I use is GravyStack . So GravyStack is designed for kids. It's about, you know, between I say four or five years old, you can get them in it. It's attached to a debit card. It's actually truly a bank. And yes, it sources you over to iFlip for the investing side of your life so you can make it through gigs and missions. And it's a financial literacy platform. ?There's a lot of us that are out there as parents of legacy families, teaching you families how to do it. So grab it, gravy snap app. We are actually in February, 2024, which is when I'm recording this. We are relaunching it as we speak, and it's just going to make it simpler and easier, and there'll be a freemium copy. So you grab that in the link below and get your kids involved. Your kids are going to inherit everything you make so they need to become financially literate and grow up. Have them design their own paycheck. I do not give my kids an allowance. I don't believe in allowances. I think they can design their own check and kids can make as much as 50 to a couple thousand bucks a month if they want to. My daughter when she gets intentional she can easily do three four hundred on a weekend if she chooses to because she knows how to and she's been taught the skills. She's 17 years old now. So all of you can do it, you just have to lean in. And when you look at say Greenlight, well that's cute, but it's more of a Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey model of save, save, save, live within your means. There are a ton of apps that are like Chime and Rocket and a bunch like that. They're service providers, they're not even a real bank. And what they're really doing is offering you new credit card opportunities. They might clean up your credit a little, but they're really just processors. They're not really banks. And to me, it's like a way to easily budget Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey style. So again, not to say anything negative about those two, they're amazing if that's the life you want, but you want this life? You want millionaire life? You gotta use the apps that millionaires use and we don't use them because we want real bankers and real relationships. We privately bank. through iFlip, you can also set up a tax advantage Roth IRA. So those of you who qualify, which if you understand corporate life, you will qualify because your money should be coming into your company, not to you personally. Now if you're just a high income earner, it can't happen to you, but you could get a Roth for your kid. So there's some tax advantage accounts over at iFlip as well. Now let's move on. How do you learn to manage cashflow through these technologies? Well, first of all, you have to understand what cashflow is. It's your income minus expenses is what's left is called cash flow. And if you're a business owner you should know that and if you don't you need to call our office and say, Laurel help! I need to understand cash flow at its highest level. You also need to be living corporate life. From 18 on all your money made inside of a company. There's two tickets to our Millionaire Intensive https://askloral.com/event. Grab them. We'll teach you how what corporate life is in our conversation and how rich people live in corporate life. We don't have, individuals don't make money, companies make money. We control it all, we don't own anything.
???? So if you really want that life, make sure you come to our event, and then at the end of the event, for the last three hours of that event, we put you in a marketplace where you can actually make some money and sell stuff, so bring your kids. Like, bring yourself to learn this. I need you to lean in and really understand and want to learn it. So we have forecasting tools that we use, we don't use the word budget, we use forecasting on how to really, as you make the money, what are you spending it on? Is it you? Is it company one, company two, company three? If you don't have any companies, you need a company. That's the corporate life I'm talking about. So love to immerse you in this conversation and how we even use technologies like Bitcoin IRA, and how do we put Bitcoin into a Roth IRA, which means it can grow tax-deferred, tax-free. I have a $9,000 investment. It's over six figures right now because of the Bitcoin run up and down in the way that I ran it. Last topic before I go there, I want you to subscribe to our channel. I would like you here at least five days a week, if not binge watch and be here for like a whole Saturday. To consume yourself in the knowledge in this way of thinking, it's how Rich Dad Poor Dad, that's where I started my careers with that brand and that company. Think and grow rich like Bob Proctor, Sharon Lecter, we're all in the same path. If you want to get rich, you've got to follow the same line of thinking. If you keep jumping around between Susie Orm and Dave Ramsey and staying safe and you know, small and stable as a job, that's not us. We want you to get wealthy what your family to have a legacy. ?If you have any questions, you're going to go to https://askloral.com/. Ask questions, make a request, and we are there with a team every day to answer your questions.
???? Now the last point I want to cover is starting your financial education early. Yeah, my kids were employed from the minute they were born. I got a Roth IRA for them each, have funded it every year. There are so many ways to gain financial literacy and truly binge watch on my YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/lorallive/videos In fact, we'll give you $750 of credit towards the 25 hours.? Email watch hours to https://[email protected]. We are updating all of our playlists by topic right now. So you should be able to find like just hours of one topic, like how to use credit cards versus debit cards. Why would you do that? Why use iFlip? Why use GravyStack? I have a lot of videos already on this channel about that. So go to the search bar and just start consuming. I also have six best-selling books. Read them. Listen to them. E-book however you want to consume them. You've really got to learn more before you can behave differently, right? So it comes from not only how you're thinking, it's what you say, it's what you do. It all matters at the end if you want a higher cash It all matters at the end if you want a higher cash flow and want to get wealthy. It all matters at the end if you want a higher cash flow and want to get wealthy.
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12 个月I’ve heard from my friends about iflip never truly looked into it untill today, when you mentioned it! Definitely going to do some digging myself