What is the benefit of Biometric API integrated with the attendance management module of employees?

What is the benefit of Biometric API integrated with the attendance management module of employees?

For many decades, time and attendance have been essential components of the human resource management suite of applications. Output some good systems for other modules, such as productivity, payroll, appraisals, safety, and so on. Check-in and check-out times, as well as attendance, have long been a pillar of the employee workforce. Management of one's physical presence.

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What is Biometric API integrated with the attendance management module?

Biometric API can be used to record an individual employee's check-in and check-out times. Individual employees' attendance exit/entry will be tracked by the system. For each check-in and check-out, it will automatically update the attendance status on the web portal. If it is integrated with the attendance management module, the biometrics records will automatically reflect in the attendance management system.

Passwords are becoming obsolete as biometrics take their place. But what does this entail for security?

The answer is yes. And when it is integrated with the attendance management module the HR tasks are automatically streamlined.

What are examples of Biometric API integrated with attendance management?

·???????Fingerprint Scan

·???????Facial Recognition

·???????Iris Scan?

·???????Voice Recognition

What exactly is Biometric API integrated with attendance management?

The scanning and analysis of bodily features for use as a mechanism of authentication or authorization is known as biometrics. When compared to passwords or PINs, the qualities utilized for biometric APIs are regarded as unique and typically unchangeable for the process of identity verification.

Biometric API integrated with attendance management is frequently used as part of a more secure method to authentication for a number of reasons, including the following:

·???????Are distinct, which means that the information scanned for authentication (such as a fingerprint or face scan) is sufficiently distinct from everyone else so that the system does not mistake two separate people.

·???????Are personal, which means that obtaining and exploiting the information in a hack becomes more difficult, if not impossible. Faking a facial scan is far more difficult than stealing and using a password.

·???????Are immutable, which means that, with the exception of physical damage or transitory modifications caused by circumstance, they may be utilized securely for different platforms and applications.

·???????Biometrics are frequently utilized as the anchor for multi-factor authentication (MFA) or passwordless authentication because of these benefits.

The introduction of COVID-19, which is based on fingerprint/thumb impressions, has permanently altered workflows. Many employees work from home full-time or in hybrid home office arrangements. If this is true, even in factories where they exist, they run at less than 100% capacity.

The benefits of Biometric API integrated with attendance management module for business:

The installation and integration of biometrics with HRMS provide several benefits for company growth by increasing business efficiency in the following ways:

??Tracks Employee Absence - This allows the department to compute man-hours without any manual input automatically.

??Economically Saves Money?- Employers will save money by reducing the number of buddy pinch-ins and proxy attendances.

??Improves Employee Management - Biometrics has incorporated digital clocks that automatically record the time of employees departing, arriving, and not coming, providing the organization with a clear image of the productivity flow.

??Improves Punctuality- Employees are more punctual as a result of this policy. The employee will feel compelled to appear on time if the Digital HRMS attendance management system with biometrics is used.

??Obtain clear data for error-free reporting -The Biometrics system offers a flexible platform for collecting reliable personnel data and creating reports. Biometric verification provides the necessary protection for the company's documents because there will be no data leaking following it.

HR managers are burdened with crucial personnel management chores such as scrutinizing each employee profile for the right time of office availability and departure. Managers, owners, and HR experts can do an infinite number of activities with biometric integration to efficiently operate the organization.

Digital HRMS is HRMS software that is meant to assist the HR department in overcoming a variety of issues. The HRMS software platform effortlessly automates HR activities, saving HR personnel time and effort. Digital HRMS is a strong HR management software that every HR department requires to handle the obstacles of remote work. HR management software has specific modules. HRMS software platforms, such as Digital HRMS, can help businesses find a perfect solution for Biometric API for attendance management.

The Digital HRMS mobile app is accessible for both Android and iOS users, and it includes fingerprint sensor compatibility, allowing users to connect to the application by fingerprint identification and also record attendance via fingerprint access. So, is having a fingerprint recognition function in your app actually make a difference? The answer is YES, and this is because it has several advantages. In this section, we will look at some of the advantages of having fingerprint recognition capability in your HRMS mobile app.

Would you want to learn more about Biometric API integrated with automatic attendance tracking of the Digital HRMS app??Visit our website at www.digitalhrms.com or send us an email at [email protected], and one of our representatives will contact you. Get 90 days of free access to the Digital HRMS HR software platform. Only available for a limited time!

After all, 'Go digital, go paperless,' is the new world mantra!


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