What is Beneficiary Protection?
Beneficiary Protection is a term used when acting for a beneficiary of an estate to protect his or her interest in the estate.?
Firstly, it is important to note that executors have a fiduciary obligation to beneficiaries. This means that an executor is placed in a position of trust and has a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the estate.?
However, some circumstances may give reason to a beneficiary not to trust the executor and in turn, seek information in relation to his or her rights.?
Ultimately, the entitlement that a beneficiary receives in a Will determines the extent of that beneficiary’s rights, however, in general beneficiaries have the following rights:?
So, why do you need Beneficiary Protection? ?
Here is a list of some reasons why a beneficiary may seek his own legal representation:?
Please note the above list is only a few of the reasons why a beneficiary may require beneficiary protection.??
What should you do if you think you need Beneficiary Protection??
Ensure you obtain advice from an experienced Wills and Estates Lawyer as soon as possible to understand your rights.?
At August & Claire Lawyers, we specialise in Estate Disputes and will provide you with an initial free consultation so you know where you stand and can make an informed decision on the next steps. ?
Reach out to our experienced team members on (02) 4944 2008 or send an email to [email protected]?