What is being a Minimalist?
The world has been evolving everyday impacting in both positive and negative ways.
We are living in the best time ever since the evolution and with such robust technology, where we can get anything and everything we want with your finger tips.
However, we have been conditioned in many ways to be negative by our society that our actions are almost autopilot and we have reached a stage that certain things does not even matter to us. We are so unconscious.
We all need a simple and a peaceful life. Being a minimalist would make a huge difference to the way we live altogether.
To start with, we could
1. Judge less : Judging is an unconscious act. We judge almost each and everything around us, including our own families. If we can make a conscious effort to judge less, 80% of the issues would be resolved right away.
2. Complain less: It has become a habit. Think about it, if we count the number of times we complain in a day, you would be surprised. Instead, let's count our blessings each day.
3. Talk less: Talking less needs an effort. We want to defend ourselves every time we speak to someone. Be it family, be it friends or outsiders. The moment we decide to talk less, it's like losing 10 kilos of weight.
4. Eat less: Please don’t hit me now. I am a culprit too. Haha. Food is so attractive and it’s impossible to walk away. Urge to munch on can never die. Starve the urge and stay fit.
5. Think less : We spend days weeks months and sometimes years in thinking about something we need to decide on and regret later. Instead, do a written analysis, discuss with your trusted ones and start taking steps.
6. Pay less: No doubt about how rich the ones whom we pay are getting from our hard earned money. Cut down as many costs as possible and make a habit to pay yourself first, even before you pay anyone else at all.
Making a conscious effort on the above simple day to day actions we take, will cut down half of the stress we are going through in today’s world.
As financial consultant, I want to keep bringing up stories that can help you take care of yourself and your families better.
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