What being an effective and successful sponsor during a change initiative really means

What being an effective and successful sponsor during a change initiative really means

When change management practitioners talk to senior leaders in a change management initiative enquiring about their experience as sponsors of a change the typical answer is “I have done it before and I am pretty good at that!”. Is it really the case? Many sponsors think that being effective means providing resources (mainly money and people) and attending the launch of the initiative and the celebrations two or three years later when the project comes to an end. Unfortunately, this is not enough to be an effective sponsor.?

In this post we will explore what it takes to be a truly effective and successful sponsor.?

  • In defining the functions and activities required to manage change effectively the?Managing Change in Organizations: A Practice Guide?by the?PMI explains that “A sponsor provides resources required for change and has the?ultimate responsibility?for the program or project,?building commitment for the change?particularly at the senior management level across the organization.?Direct responsibility and accountability?for the change needs to be clearly defined and accepted at an appropriately high level within an organization. Consequently, the sponsor for a change effort should be someone who has?sufficient authority, influence, power, enthusiasm, and time?to ensure that any conflicts that could impede the change are resolved in a timely and appropriate fashion.” This statement??clearly shows that being an effective sponsor requires more than a light touch visibility and communication. In fact, the sponsor has to build??the commitment for the change by influencing other senior leaders across the organisation and taking on board the impacted employees. This is not done simply with a speech during the project launch, but requires a sponsor plan that details how s/he has to engage throughout the whole project life cycle.?
  • According to the Prosci Best Practice in Change Management 11th?edition a sponsor to be effective has to carry out three roles, called the ABC. Being active and visible, build the coalition of sponsors and communicate directly with the employees. What does it mean? When it comes to being active and visible the sponsor has to support the team and champion the change. They have to build the coalition of sponsors by?"working with other key figures in the organisation to help them understand why they also need to ‘role-model’ this change for the employees.” This means engaging across the organization,? coaching and maintaining a network of active and committed change agents, communicating the importance of role modelling the change, and encouraging senior leaders to participate and support the change. It is also key for the effective sponsor to communicate support and promote the change to impacted groups, set direction and focus by communicating the end vision, create awareness about the need for change and the specifics of the change and clearly explain the “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM) of the change to impacted groups.
  • A sponsor needs to embrace the change first, then bring the rest of the organisation on board and act as a role model. It is not an easy task and leaders in the organisation can be supported. How? Organisations can develop the sponsors’ competencies by leveraging 360-degree assessments and using tools like The Leadership Circle. Those competencies can be learnt and are key for change success, and ultimately for strategic success.?Daryl Conner identified the 6 characteristics of a strong sponsor that have to be nurtured:

·???????Power:?The organizational power to legitimize the change with recipients

·???????Sense of urgency:?The ability to continuously stress the need for change

·???????Vision:?A clear definition of what change must occur

·???????Public role:?The ability and willingness to demonstrate the public support necessary to convey strong organizational commitment to the change

·???????Private role:?The ability and willingness to meet privately with key individuals or groups to convey strong personal support for the change

·???????Leverage:?The capability to engage and commit others to the change

We can clearly see that attending the launch of the project and the celebration party two or three years later is not a recipe for success when it comes to the winning implementation of change management initiatives. Being an effective sponsor takes time and significant skills in fulfilling the ABC roles, displaying key competencies. This explains why the sponsor has to be chosen carefully: it has to be an individual with authority in the organisation and highly effective at communicating, influencing and negotiating. Sponsors’ competencies can be developed, but it requires time and effort. This is why having a clear organisational change management competency map and strategy is crucial: it is not going to happen overnight.

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