What beginning businessmen can learn from pet owners

What beginning businessmen can learn from pet owners

The world is divided on cat-owners and dog-owners. The former court independent individuals, the latter manage noble species. If you are planning to become a millionaire, than these 16 pieces of advice will help you to reach the goal.

Wealthy sponsors, potential clients and qualified employees are compared to cats, turning up their noses, cherubic start-uppers, their relatives, friends and colleagues – to affable dogs.

Cat-lovers nervously overcome restrained arrogance, dog-lovers stay in undisguised pride of adoration. The first ones tousle hair over crumpled sheets of mottled tables, the second ones rivet bright brave presentations demonstrating them in cafes and kitchens.

One says, cat-lovers’ IQ is higher, in case of start-uppers – I risk to agree and support the everyday myth. Dogs submissively listen to idealized rave, joyfully waving a tail, not developing their masters. All-sufficient cats shamelessly snort not willing to endure mockery nonsense.

I like dogs’ loyalty, but building a business, I bet to arrogance of cats. Support of people around is important, but it does not bring profits, if you are aiming to millionaires – grow pads and claws on paws, glue whiskers under a nose and learn to meow. Start from kittens, but put a goal so tigers will sit by your legs.

Demonstrate benefit. Dogman greedily chatters about a project, while forgetting that the investor waits for ROI parameters. With financiers, it is like with cats: the brief point, scrupulous economy, detailed risks, to beckon, to wait for a satisfied smile and a tender squint.

Risk substantively. Tales about wild potential, free market and “there is enough profit for everyone” would not touch the prudent ones – show the seriousness of the intentions: designate your contribution to the business. Cat adore rustling papers – bring the property deeds or the bank statement.

Look for the analogs. Then it is easier to explain. Animals react on famous pleasures and food. Lower the uniqueness and originality: place an unseen delicacy into a… skin-fed gray mouse – they will react faster and will greedily attack. Will tuck into a treat – drip ears with the details of the project.

Consider threats. Comprehensively and meticulously identify dangers. Risks and opportunities share brotherly, taking bigger half. Want a shared love – take care, lay straw, cover with a rag, crown with a cat’s house, put on a rattle.

Avoid partnerships. If the business is built like a chamomile, where activity is implemented by the partners-petals, and you are a sly one sitting in the middle – you will be inevitably superseded or replaced, that much vulnerability of laziness is noticeable. The one who feeds a cat is the master of the house.

Don not try to be clever. Professional slang will not cause cats’ salivation. Without extra words shake Whiskas – demonstrate cash flow and Gantt diagram subside and wait for questions – brevity will provoke them. They are frozen, silent? So should you.

Hide the affiliation. Need cat’s money – hide the fact a home poodle living with you. Do not puff out professional past and corporate experience, if not relevant for a startup. Why do we need a smith? We do not need one.

Learn the lessons. Walking another pet doubles startup experience. You know yours far and wide, a week with a friend-vacationer’s persian kitten will show how little you know about the cats’ essence. Meeting with an investor gives you priceless experience only in a case of the next deep study.

Play on your field. Neighbor’s grass is greener and you want to walk a pet there, but crossing the fence, you will see another juicy lawn. The irony is that your territory looks sweeter for someone than his own. A person paints his own business or whitens someone’s fence.

Clean up after a dog. Worked for a man – you were a faceless ant, became a start upper – cut the informational umbilical cord. Put off a muzzle of tarnish – with such a face you cannot sell an elephant. Moreover, cease bragging about who you used to be: everyone is the same on the paddock as in the bathhouse.

Go to exhibitions. Maybe your startup is the best in the whole world, but how people will know about it? Attend public events – do not be shy of others and show the startup. Listen to opinions and pieces of advice from veterans, consider criticism and listen for the successful ones.

More realism. Home pet is not a fluffy creature – startups get ill, they need treatment: cleaning tainted reputation, cutting claws of conflictness. Want to show off with animals – work for it.

Leave the job. While you are holding dog’s lead, cats will not come to you. If you are not ready to put a career on the map, how animals can trust you. Startup cannot be a facultative or a day care center: hit or miss.

Criteria of truth. Monthly account balances will show development of a pet better than regular weighing. Beware advertising fillers and growth hormones, fear unexpected success and do not be afraid of deserved failures. Kid is ill – provide a treatment and do not think of drowning.

Train a cat. Startup does not work out, mopes and runs off the hand – leave, analyze behavior for the last period. Find the problem in the control and reach, do not reprobate yourself: there is a day, there is a food.

Lure unobtrusively. Do not run for cats with a piece of a startup: will get hungry – will come by themselves. If they do not come – the treat is bad, and it is not about animals: sharpen the recipe, enhance components, and improve delivery – value sincere legibility of the wordless.

Cannot choose between cats and dogs?
Buy a hedgehog – the smartest animal, it understands everything.

Author: Oleg Braginsky
Translation: Vladimir Vanin and Daniil Shmitt
Source: New Retail



