What if the BDM Layout is versioned ?
Subramaniyam Venkata Pooni
Distinguished Technologist | AI & Cloud-Native Innovator | 5G & Edge Computing Expert
If the BDM (Block, Digest, Metadata) layout is versioned, it introduces an additional layer of complexity but significantly enhances the ability to track, retrieve, and reconstruct files or chunks across multiple versions. Here’s how the algorithm and system adapt to handle versioning effectively:
Versioned BDM Layout Overview
Block (B):
Data chunks remain immutable.
Deduplication ensures that unchanged chunks between versions are reused.
Digest (D):
Hashes uniquely identify chunks.
Versions of a file use the same digest for identical chunks, avoiding redundancy.
Metadata (M):
Stores the list of chunk hashes, order, sizes, and additional versioning information, such as:
Version ID or timestamp.
Parent-child relationships between versions.
Change deltas (e.g., added/removed chunks).
Algorithm for Versioned Chunk Retrieval
Step 1: Locate Metadata for the Version
Step 2: Determine Chunk Changes
Step 3: Retrieve Chunk Data
Step 4: Reconstruct the File
Handling Advanced Scenarios
Version Map
The metadata for a versioned BDM layout typically includes a version map or a hierarchical structure (e.g., Merkle tree, DAG) that links:
Parent and child versions.
Changed chunks (deltas) between versions.
Optimized Retrieval
Avoid redundant fetching:
Chunks unchanged across versions are fetched once and reused.
Use references or symbolic links to avoid duplicating chunks in metadata.
Storage Efficiency
Immutable chunks: Deduplicated storage ensures that even if a file has multiple versions, identical chunks are stored once.
Delta storage: Only store and fetch the changes (added or modified chunks) for newer versions.
Example Walkthrough
Advantages of Versioned BDM Layout
Deduplicated chunks save storage and retrieval time.
Metadata tracks changes incrementally.
Deltas allow efficient reconstruction of any version.
History tracking enables point-in-time recovery
Supports large datasets and frequent version updates.
Can reconstruct files at any granularity (chunk or full version).