What Baywatch and Career Clarity Have In Common
This may not be The Rock, but it's close enough.

What Baywatch and Career Clarity Have In Common

Hey there, and Happy Friday! I know you've been looking forward to it...

So yesterday, I was watching Baywatch. True story.

No, not the Hasselhoff TV show version. The Rock-and-Zac-Efron-have-all-the-muscles-known-to-man movie version from 2017.

So... many... muscles... But I digress.

Anyway, there's a scene early in the movie where Zac Efron's character, Matt Brody, is trying to hit on Alexandra Daddario's character, Summer Quinn.

Efron, looking particularly edible, pulls his bad boy motorcycle onto the boardwalk just as Daddario is leaving the beach with her surfboard. He spots. He aims. He shoots...

His genius pick up line?

"Hey, I'm Matt Brody."

Her masterful blow off line?

"And not a single damn was given."

(Yes, I was watching the cable version, so I'm sure the word "damn" is a replacement for a juicier swear, but that's neither here nor there.)

I gotta say... If anything resembling Zac Efron mutters inexplicably in my general direction, not only are a lot of damn's given, but I'm likely to melt into a puddle of goo right there on the boardwalk.

So, that got me to thinking.

How did she do it? How did she, literally without blinking or second-guessing, walk right past this man-candy as though he didn't even exist. How?! I mean, come on, it's Zac Efron!

Turns out, in the very next scene, you get the answer.

Summer Quinn (the character) had one goal in life: make it on to the lifeguarding team at Baywatch.

That was it. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not allow pretty-boys in sunglasses to get in your way.

Just make the team.

Her vision was clear. Her motivation was certain. Her mindset was confident.

Zero distractions (aka "damns") were allowed and/or given for anything else.

So that begs the question, and leads to how this little vignette has anything to do with you...

How clear is YOUR vision for YOUR future?

These are some of the most uncertain times any of us have lived through. That is a fact. It's part of our reality, and we don't know exactly how long that reality will last.

The people who will thrive in these uncertain times, the ones who will bounce back better than before, are the ones who have CLARITY of vision, CERTAINTY of pursuit, and CONFIDENCE of self.


So, is that you?

Do you know what you want to do? Do you feel like you have clarity into your professional future? Do you feel certain that your aim is true? Do you feel confident that you can accomplish your goal?

If your'e not a 100% hells-yeah, then there are going to be Zac Efron's around every corner distracting you and keeping you from discovering your dreams.

The only sure way to give zero "damns" about distractions is to know what you actually give a damn about.

I am 100% confident that I can help you create this vision.

No pressure. Seriously. If you want to keep flailing around and giving a damn about things that don't matter, I can't force clarity upon you. If you're still unsure about me and what we do here at the Nth Degree(R) then check out our programs here.

But if you want clarity... if you want certainty... if you want confidence... then it's right here.

I've never been more confident myself. Our current program has a 100% success rate in helping someone discover his/her professional niche in 30 days or less.

That's a fact. 30 days. 30 days from now, you could know, with absolute certainty, what you were made for.

Will you take this opportunity? Or will you let a shiny set of abs distract you?

Grab a spot on my calendar to learn more about this program and see if it's a good fit for you.

I'm ready if you are.

Be unstoppable,


PS- Zac... if you're reading this... puddle.

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