What are the basic conditions for boiler combustion

What are the basic conditions for boiler combustion

Any substance that undergoes combustion has a process of transition from an unburned state to a burning state. The occurrence and development of the combustion process must meet the following three conditions:


A substance that can chemically react with oxygen or other oxidizers in the air is called fuel, such as wood, gasoline, coal, paper, sulfur, etc.


A substance that helps and supports the combustion of fuel, i.e., a substance that can react with fuel in an oxidation reaction, is called an oxidizer. The oxidizer we usually refer to is oxygen, which is widely present in the air.

3.Temperature (Ignition Source)

An ignition source is the energy source that provides the necessary conditions for fuel and oxidizer to undergo a combustion reaction. Ignition sources can be divided into two categories: direct ignition sources and indirect ignition sources.

Direct Ignition Source: Open flame, electric arc, electric spark, or lightning caused by sudden high-voltage discharge can ignite any combustible material.

Indirect Ignition Source: High temperature, which includes high-temperature heating, baking, heat accumulation without dissipation, mechanical equipment overheating, friction heating, etc. Spontaneous combustion occurs when a material heats up and ignites itself without any open flame or external heat source.

For combustion to occur, all three conditions must be present at the same time. If any of these conditions is missing, combustion will not take place.



