What is a baffle Q fibc big bulk bags ?
#BaffleBulkBags are widely used by chemical, sand, fertilizer etc as they allow the material in the bag to stand straight. These bags are fitted with baffles in each corner of the bag which helps it to maintain the bag in cubic form. Moreover, it helps the material to flow smoothly into all corners and it even doesn’t occupy much space in its storage and even requires less transportation cost.
Baffles are pieces of fabric that are sewn to the inside corners of a bag to maintain its cube shape after filling. The baffles have holes that allow the product to flow freely through them. The baffles also prevent the bag from bulging, which makes the bag stand up straight and in turn allows the bags to be more efficient in their use of space.
What is the Features of #bafflebigbags:
1.Due to high stability provided by corner baffles better stacking of filled bags is promoted
2.Requires less space when stored in the warehouse
3.Maximize truck, railcar, and overseas container space
4.Reduced travelling cost
Baffle type:
1.The standard baffle is a #polypropylene mesh with appropriately spaced holes that allow the product to flow freely during feeding and unloading.
2.The standard flexible #containerbag can also be made to have a stable shape when it is fitted with a lacing inner bag. These polypropylene inner bags are constructed using ultrasonically welded inner gussets to provide a stable three-dimensional shape for the inner bag (and its outer bag) when the product is loaded.
We can also provide bags with protective baffles to prevent the environment from affecting the product and blocking unnecessary oxidation, moisture and odor.Pease leave me a comment or message, i will give you suggestion.