What are Automotive Diagnostic Tools?
Technological advances in every industry are increasing convenience in every task, whether it’s related to house repair or even a four-wheeler vehicle. Some glimpses of technology can be seen in automotive diagnostic tools as well.
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These tools are useful in finding the problem occurring in your vehicle. They work on #dtc (Diagnostic?Trouble Code). When the #scanningdevice is plugged into a vehicle, the device shows codes and errors about the problem that is occurring in your vehicle.
Types of Automotive Diagnostic Tools
According to the vehicle type and year of manufacturing, automotive diagnostic tools are of two types:
OBD-1 (Onboard Diagnostics) Scanners: These are useful in vehicles manufactured prior to 1996.
OBD-2 Scanners: These are used in vehicles manufactured after 1996.
These OBD1 and OBD2 scanners come in the following types:
PC-based scanners: These require a connection with a PC to decode the problem. They take power from a PC and have a large screen compared to other scanners, making it easy to use and understand the error codes. PC-based #scanners can be used to find errors in cars, bikes, trucks, etc.
Bluetooth scanners: These scanners can be connected to a smart device such as a mobile phone or a tablet.
Handheld scanners: These scanners come with a battery backup, a power supply, and a cable to transmit power.
What Types of Errors Can These Tools Diagnose?
OBD scanners can find different types of errors in a vehicle, including engine failure, gas leaks, vehicle speed issues, and control, checking air flow rate, checking fuel pressure, and so on.
How to Use These Tools?
First, plug the #obd device into your vehicle and turn on the vehicle. If there are any errors in the vehicle’s engine or any other part. Next, the scanner shows you different codes according to the problem.
Understanding codes can be hard for you because you can use different types of software or apps such as The Rollr Mini, Carly app, etc. These apps or software will help you understand the codes and solve problems easily.
Which Tool is Best?
Every brand has its own pros and cons. However, some of the best tools you can purchase are Robert Bosch GmbH’s ADS 625 X w; Autel AL539; Innova CarScan Advisor 5210; FIXD OBD2 Professional Bluetooth Scan Tool & Code Reader, etc.
Final Thoughts
#Automotivediagnostictools are a great tool to save money on #repairservices and also to maintain your vehicle. Moreover, many #automotiveparts suppliers and manufacturers are identifying the scope of automotive diagnostic tools in different regions and markets.
They are hiring research and consulting agencies to understand the market through automotive parts and material reports and increase the growth opportunities for their businesses.