What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)?

There are many reasons why children or adults may struggle to speak or make themselves understood. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) can help to overcome communication barriers and new technology is making AAC more accessible.

What is AAC?

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a range of tools and strategies that can help people who struggle with speech or understanding spoken language. In its simplest form, AAC includes the use of gestures, sign language or the use of picture symbols. More high-tech forms of AAC include devices or apps used to enhance or replace natural speech.

What are AAC devices or apps?

AAC devices can be used to supplement speech and help people communicate. They may be purpose built devices or specialist software applications, such as Fabulaa, that can be used on any smartphone, tablet or iPad.

Who can use AAC devices?

Augmentative and alternative communication devices help individuals who face challenges with speech, language or hearing. There are many reasons why an individual may need communication assistance. A variety of conditions can impact speech production or comprehension such as cerebral palsy, brain injury, strokes, hearing impairment, speech delays and autism. Research has shown the AAC can help people of all ages, even those younger than 3 years old. People may use AAC on either a temporary or long-term basis.

What are the benefits of AAC devices?

AAC devices and apps can help:

  • People with communication disorders to express themselves clearly
  • Increase participation in day-to-day life, education and employment
  • Promote social interactions
  • Increase independence, self esteem and confidence
  • Benefit understanding, learning and language development

How do AAC devices and apps work?

AAC devices include a variety of functions such as:

  • Speech generation - clicking on words, phrases or pictures, or typing,activates voice output
  • Speech to text conversion - allowing useful phrases to be saved as text for future use
  • Whiteboard - users can draw or write what they want to say on the screen
  • Picture or photo uploading and storage to aid communication

Can AAC devices be a substitute for speech therapy?

For individuals with speech and language challenges, AAC devices are not a substitute for professional assessment and treatment. However they can be used as a tool alongside therapy.

Does using an ACC device decrease motivation to talk or slow down language development?

No. Research shows that AAC can actually encourage language development. Devices which pair the communicated word with voice output allow users to play around with and become familiar with new words. In conjunction with speech therapy, using an AAC device may help improve language skills and speech over time.

How to best use AAC devices

  • Involve family members and carers in choosing and learning how to use a new device.
  • For children, choose an app with lots of pictures which can be personalised
  • If you or your child are undergoing speech therapy, discuss with your speech therapist how to choose the most suitable AAC system and incorporate assistive technology into treatment.
  • AAC systems usually need to be reviewed and updated, with additional symbols or word pages or photos, as an individual's activities and communication capabilities change over time.

Fabulaa is a free, easy to use, mobile app, designed for children and adults who face communication struggles. Fabulaa provides all the benefits of an AAC device on your smartphone, tablet or iPad.

Why choose Fabulaa?

The Fabulaa AAC app is customisable, making it easy for people of various ages and a wide range of abilities to communicate. Fabulaa provides its users an experience that is simple and fun. Fabulaa is an easily accessible augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app, currently available in five languages.



