What is Audit & Auditor 101 :)
Senior IT Engineer Sherif A Hassan Upper Egyptian Tunisian Algerian
Hi All :) ,
Wish you All good , Thank's for reading my previous 1st news letter (Welcome to ISACA CISA certificate ) , this is the link below in case you missed it
, I hope that it's enjoying & benefit to All of you , also am happy to write to all of you
Wooooooow OMG , now i have my readers , very interesting step in my career path , All the Thank's to linkedin for give us this amazing feature (Newsletters) , also it's scary step ,Because i wrights my point of view which may be right or wrong to many different people .
So i encourage you to send me any feedback on ([email protected]) or join cisa telegram group on (https://t.me/CISAmaterial)
Okey , enough intros & lets start to move to the point .
Question 1: Are you like this person in the photo above?
Question 2: What this person in the photo Do ?
Question 3: Is he reading ?
yes , but also he is deep searching in what he reads !
Question : What do you mean by he is searching with reading ?
it's mean that he looking for deep details about what he is reading
Deep Details ! What do you mean ?
yes , i mean he has a different personality !
What do you mean ?
I mean he reads a lot of books or articles about the issue he facing in the book in his hand so ! that's it ! what ? he starts to think ! think about what ?!
The difference between many books or articles he reads about his issue !
So !
1-He Starts to make (his opinion) ( his judgement ) about different resources he reads !
TATATA you got it , this is the first personal skills you have or you need or he have
Why he doing that ?
2-Because , he isn't satisfied with one resource also different resources have different information , So now his job calls (AUDITOR) : Evaluating info he has
What else he is making ?
3- He doing (AUDIT) Examine , Assure , Validate , Review Accuracy , Verify , Measure , Calculate , Investigate information in his hand
4- Woooow for what purpose he doing that ?
To Becom a (Consultant) in the issue he have between his hand , to (Add value , Improve) himself & others also seeks (Effectiveness) about information in his hand.
Woooow that's it simple , easy , complicated photo above ! right
hahahaaaaaaaaa i wish now you understand the photo above
for not being long article
see you next time , Stay tuned
Bye :)
Sherif Adly hassan