What is ATV/OTV?

What is ATV/OTV?

ATV/OTV stands for acoustic televiewer and optical televiewer. This type of data produces high-resolution and continuous 360-degree images of the borehole wall. These images provide a combination of qualitative and quantitative information of the borehole wall that can be used to characterise planar (at the borehole scale) features (fractures, bedding, joints, lithologic boundaries). Televiewer images can be correctly orientated by determining the borehole azimuth and inclination, allowing the dip and dip direction to be calculated for each identified geological feature.

ATV images are generated using an acoustic probe. The probe transmits an ultrasonic pulse from a fixed transducer with a rotating mirror. The amplitude and travel time of the signal reflected at the interface between the borehole fluid and borehole wall is recorded to produce the ATV image. Below is an ATV image.

OTV images are generated using a prism and a camera housed within a ring of lights which illuminates the borehole wall as the tool moves down the borehole to collect the image. Below is an OTV image.

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