DNA Lifestyle
A world class full service turnkey manufacturing company of perfumes & cosmetics creating its own brands & private label
Attars might be a term that many of us are well aware of, even for some people this term will be a new term, so if you want to know about the true competitor of perfumes, or trying to find an alternative for perfumes, this blog is definitely for you, so stay with us till the end of this blog you will surely learn something new and effective that will enhance your fragrance journey and experience the next time you go for shopping
Attar is basically a naturally extracted fragrance liquid, derived from the various objects of nature, also containing the essence of nature, the floral scents, scents of sandalwood, freshness, having peace and flavor of freshness inside them. This was the clear-cut and the most straightforward answer to the question about (what is attar? Or what is attar perfume?)
Attar is basically made from a unique process which is called steam distillation. Steam distillation is a process that has the ability to separate a particular mixture from its components by means of vaporizing it. This is a way of continuously blowing steam through a mixture which helps in the extraction of natural oils from flowers, woods, and various naturally occurring substances as well. The process basically includes heating/boiling water to move through a chamber, this way the steam would vaporize and vanish, leaving behind the fragrances and the natural oils in the attar, the attars are also left for some time in the oils like sandalwood so that the scent matures over time also deeping and giving a more developed scent.
The flowers, herbs, and various other natural substances are gathered at the time when they are at their best scent, then with the help of evaporation and condensation the oils and the water are also further separated, thus at the later stages only the highly concentrated fragrance oil is left in the attars, and after that further aging is done s that we could get a better scent for that particular attar. After further aging, filtering is also done, so that the impurities are also separated from the attars for the further stages of packaging and delivery.?
Yes, that is absolutely true that both perfumes and attars are used for fragrance purposes but they also have many other things to offer, for eg attars are also used in religious prayers, gatherings, etc as they have a high cultural value apart from that we haven't heard of perfumes being used in any sort of religious meeting or prayers since perfumes consist of alcohol, but in the case of attars, since they are naturally extracted they only consist of fragrance oil and no alcohol inside them that's why we can also say that attar will definitely last longer on comparison with perfume because the alcohol in the perfume will evaporate over a period of time but since attars have fragrance oil in them and oils are more clingy towards the skin making the attars last very longer than the perfumes.
This section is going to be very interesting as we are going to know in detail about the differences between perfumes and attars and also compare which will be a better option for you depending upon your choices, preferences, and needs.
The alcohol composition is there in perfumes, however, the volume depends upon the categories, Eau de Parfum, Eau de toilette, and Eau de Cologne, we have discussed it in detail in our blog about the different perfumes, how to choose the best perfume, and many more, so you can definitely check this out there. Here alcohol is present in every single category, however, some have more composition, and some have less. Talking about attars, they do not have even 1%of alcohol, because they are naturally extracted and are totally fragrance oil, they have fragrance scents, and naturally extracted oils have pleasant smells, but they do not have alcohol present in them and this is the reason why they have such a high cultural and religious value, also they are used in prayers for religious purposes.
Since a perfume has alcohol inside it, which is for the purpose of spreading the spray in the surroundings, with time alcohol evaporates as well and after a period of time the whole applied perfume is gone, so we might need to apply the perfume again and again But in the case of attars that is completely different, because they have ls and oils being clingy to the skin and do not evaporate easily and as a result, they are more long-lasting. So there is no need to apply them again and again.
Perfumes are generally applied on clothing or skin to get their best output, however, in the case of attars, they are basically applied on the pulse point or on the neck. They are usually avoided applying on the clothes since they are so concentrated they can leave various stains, and marks as well.
Perfumes are often used more in Western culture in? comparison with the Eastern culture, the parties, get-togethers, and various other social events, however in the Eastern culture there are more people than in the West who apply attar, because of various cultural and spiritual reasons
Perfumes are generally made up of various synthetic ingredients, also some natural extracts could be present but majorly they are mostly made with the help of synthetic ingredients, contrary to that attars are made up of all the naturally occurring substances, natural fragrances, natural oils, flowers, woods, etc.
Perfumes are not very highly concentrated, however, their subcategories have different concentration levels, still, no one is more concentrated than attars as attars are highly concentrated liquids.
WHICH IS BETTER, PERFUME OR ATTAR/ PERFUME VS ATTAR Well, this is a quite debatable question, the people preferring the modern scents will favor perfumes while people having a kind of attachment with the traditional scents will take the side of attars, point is totally up to you.
But if you are looking for a scent that is more personal, more long-lasting, also not harsh on the skin then definitely we can give a slight upper hand to attar in this case because the majority of perfumes(except the RanksonPrfumes) are not able to satisfy the consumers.
However, that does not mean you should totally neglect the perfumes, if you don’t mind alcohol concentration, if you want a variety, if you like modern scents, if you are going to a party or a get-together (or any social event), or if you want instant fragrance then you can also go with the perfumes as well, they also have something different than attars to offer to you.?
Now since you are well aware of the term attar, you must be thinking of a perfect place to find attars, attars are sally available in the market in the form of various roll-ons, some of them are very good and scent amazing while majorly the majority of attars present in the market are not so good, so we got you a place where you can find the best attars for men, best attars for women. Attars of DNA lifestyle are truly amazing and the Attars fragrances are just bliss that will make you mesmerized as well. We can easily say that the best attars are of DNA lifestyle, they truly specialize in producing the best attars that the rest of the companies are not able to do, they are able to extract top quality natural scents ad are also able to extract them into premium scents of their attars.
Since there are many fake or low-quality attars available in the market, we as customers should be well aware of the fact that we know how to differentiate between what is a good quality attar and what is bad quality attar. Here is our quick guide that will help you further in this.
1)You should always check that an attar is alcohol-free, if it is alcohol-free then it will be considered pure one.
2)You can check the ingredients that are present in the attar, which will help you in knowing whether there are all-natural ingredients or if something is synthetic.
3)You must clearly look at the oil texture, which should neither be too watery nor too sticky
4)A pure attar is one whose scent develops over a period of time , on mixing with the body odor, generally the low quality or the fake attars have a strong scent at the very first stage to attract people be aware of this.
5) Attar is very highly concentrated and is so powerful that only just a few drops of a good quality attar can stay long for hours, so make this clear in your mind that if an attar is not long lasting, then there are high chances that it is not a pure attar.
6)Llast but not the least, the attars that are natural are also a little bit expensive due to obvious reasons, so if any company or any brand claims to offer you cheap atars then the maximum number of times those are not pure. (however, there is a great difference between being very cheap and being affordable)
FAQ’s regarding attars
q1)Are attars safe to use?
a1) Yes definitely attars are safe to use, unless you are allergic to any botanical material specifically.
q2)How should I apply attar?
A2) Attars should usually be applied on pulse points, wrists, and neck only and not on the cloth
Q3)How long does an attar last?
A3)Depending upon the purity attars can las significantly longer than some powerful perfume also.
Q4What are the benefits of applying attar?
A4) people who are very superstitious generally believe that applying attar can make you feel happy, also it will help in fighting anxiety or depression. Scientifically this can be true as well, since a good and pleasant surrounding having fresh scents can increase happiness for any person.