Tariffs are an outdated protectionist foreign trade tactic, which will be disastrous for the US economy; having already triggered a trade war with China
The use of tariffs is an outdated protectionism concept, which does nothing to make and nation more competitive in the Global Marketplace. It has in this case already triggered a trade war.
The US Globally Focused Business Community would best be served if Government and Major Corporate stakeholders would put together a fund to enable small and medium-sized businesses to immediately gain sales traction and momentum in the global marketplace; especially USA Brand Obsessed CHINA. This is how China got to where they are.
As opposed to Trade.gov, the US Commercial service and Commercial Divisions of the State Department; now SELLING webinars and access to foreign markets to US small and Medium-Sized US Businesses; like they are some for-profit consulting firm.
The USDA subsidizes large-scale farm growers here is the USA; disable the competitiveness of independent farmers. But US agricultural output from the USA is not subsidized enough to make it more competitive against foreign imported produces, here in the USA.
By the way, the fund I am suggesting is going to be for less than the total losses, of the US economy and subsequent revenue taxes; the tariffs will cause due to a trade war has already triggered.
Here is the thing, Trump himself, stated he wanted China to reduce the trade deficit between the US and China by 100 Billion U$D. I am thinking, why not just ask President Xi Jinping; to commit to buying an additional 100 Billion U$D of stuff, from the USA, over what current estimate are, over the next 12 month? That request might have been the beginning of negotiations, with a positive outcome for all. Now that would have been a diplomatic approach. What the hell happened to "The Art of the Deal", Donald?
50 of the nation's largest retail and manufacturing companies, agree with me and have written to the trump to not self-destruct the US economy, with too little too late old economy protectionist foreign trade tactics.
Additionally; Forty-Five U.S. Trade Groups Urge Trump to Avoid Tariffs Against China
Did I mention: 107 GOP Lawmakers Sign Letter Urging Trump Not To Impose Tariff Plan
#TheTrumpEffect #NewsYouCanUse #NowYouKnow #NoArtOfTheDealDonald