What is the approach from there?
White Board - The power of pen and ideas

What is the approach from there?

Teachers are looked at with so much respect and much hope lies on them with regard to the children's future. Beyond the view on the noble profession of teaching at school and colleges, beyond the expectations we keep on the education sector, how close or to what depth we have seen ourselves?

The need for self love and the sense of self-value

How to approach life?

How to lead a happy life, properly handling our own difficulties and troubles?

As a human, when I think on my birth; the purpose of my birth, I can put forward these three statements and other aspects related with it.

An education process, which while taking forward a curriculum, need to simultaneously make students develop in themselves, a better perspective on some open ended questions and statements. It is those perspectives on that questions and statements which play a vital role in each one's belief system, morality, thought process and in their ultimate progress.

I feel that this can be attained only as a collective effort.

  • Let there be a minimum usage of the words like good, bad, great, worst, etc.
  • Let we speak on the advantages
  • Let we speak on the consequences
  • Let we speak on our personal experiences and share them
  • Let we put forward the reasonable options to decide on from them.

If we can spend time with our neighborhood children, make them speak casually, listen to them, share with them, learn from them, teach them, stand with them at all times, support them in all the reasonable causes and are happy for them to evolve, I feel, we are all playing the role of a community in a decent manner. As modern day teachers, we are ready to learn and teach. Of course there are conventional methods by means of having degrees to claim so. But, the ever changing times need new, possible, supportive and sustainable approaches.

Moral Science class' teachings, the ideals put forth there can be and are to be applied in the society only. What is the society's approach that those ideals be implemented in the contemporary world?


S.Vasantha Kumaran

P.S : Views expressed are based on personal experiences, learning from my friends, writers whom I follow and from the people I have come across. I have just put forward my ideas as a share. Constructive criticisms are welcome.


