What is Angiogenesis?  Big Tobacco Hopes You Don’t Know.

What is Angiogenesis? Big Tobacco Hopes You Don’t Know.

an-gi-o-gen-e-sis: The development of new blood vessels

The Role of Angiogenesis in Cancer

Don't worry, I didn't know what angiogenesis was either, until I wrote my book- "Wigmore on Nicotine and Its Drug Delivery Systems. The Medicolegal Aspects of Our most Addictive and Dangerous Legal Drug.". Angiogenesis was not even in the LinkedIn dictionary when I was writing this article, I had to add it to the dictionary to get the underline red line to disappear. Angiogenesis is the development of new blood vessels, which in normal functioning of human body is good, but developing new blood vessels to cancer cells, allow them to grow and spread.

Nicotine: Lifeline for Cancer Cell Growth and Brain Cancer

Angiogenesis, the process of forming new blood vessels, is crucial for cancer cells as it provides them with the necessary oxygen and nutrients to grow and spread by creating a blood supply directly to the tumor, allowing it to expand beyond a certain size and potentially metastasize to other parts of the body; essentially angiogenesis acts as a lifeline for cancer growth and invasion. AI Overview

Big tobacco has been promoting the alleged benefits of the neurotoxin and banned pesticide nicotine for many years and also downplaying its carcinogenic effects. The wiggle room for denying this toxic chemical is not carcinogenic is getting smaller and smaller as more and more recent research not sponsored by the tobacco industry are finding its effects.

Nicotine Causes Cancer Research

Even if nicotine does not cause cancer, there is not doubt it promotes cancer by providing a blood supply to cancer cells so they can spread quickly.

Figure from Heeschen et al, 2001

This may explain in part why over half the smokers who get lung cancer, have cancer spread to the brain as well. (Yu et al, 2023)


No matter how the tobacco industry tries to change its delivery of nicotine from cigarettes to light cigarettes to heat not burn, to e-cigarettes to nicotine pouches, it is still based on the highly poisonous, neurotoxin, banned pesticide, and potential chemical weapon, nicotine. There is no doubt that nicotine although it may not cause cancer, promotes cancer.

Nicotine is nicotine is nicotine,


Heschen, C., Jang, J.J., Weis, M., et al, "Nicotine Stimulates Angiogenesis and Promotes Tumor Growth and Atherosclerosis", Nature Medicine, 7: 833-839, 2001

Yu, J., Zhang, Y, Liu, Z, et al., "Association of Smoking with the Survival of Patients with Brain Metastasis of Lung Cancer", Frontiers in Neurology, 14: 8pp, 2023

Wigmore on Nicotine

WON Publisher


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