What is America’s gender war actually about?
Illustration by The Atlantic. Sources: Daniel Grill / Getty; Issarawat Tattong / Getty; Bubball / Getty.

What is America’s gender war actually about?

For years, pundits have traced the gender gap among American voters—namely, how women tend to lean blue and men tend to go red. Certain issues emphasize the growing divergence between the cohorts. Today, women are 14 percentage points more likely to say that they’re pro-choice than men are; in 1995, the difference was just one percentage point.

But the story might not be that simple. Atlantic writer Rose Horowitch recently reported that Gen Z men and women aren’t drifting apart as much as theorized when it comes to how they vote. And political parties may be divided more by voters’ views on gender than by gender itself. “It is a conflict between the parties,” Daniel Cox, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, told Atlantic writer Derek Thompson, “over the role of gender, the meaning of gender, the definition of gender.”

Today’s newsletter brings you stories about what’s driving the gender war:

—? Stephanie Bai, associate editor

Rodolfo Z.

Prívate Advisor

7 个月

About making poor people fight each other while billionaires stablish a new feudal system.

James O Toole

Clinical Coordinator at Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

7 个月

For a country once deemed the policeman of the world and the home of the free the change is drastic. I was fortunate to spend ten years in education in Boston and found all to be top class. How is the change so drastic. Trump is not the one that bothers me, not even Vance but how can their followers be so blind to humanity. How the mighty have fallen. JFK, Roosevelt and even Ronal R are turning in their graves. Be smart, vote Democrats. The world is in a state of flux and needs strong leadership not bluff and bluster and showmanship. Stand up America and become what you were, the leader of The Free World.

Charles Ramos Jr.

Building Inspector / Senior Staff Writer/Sports Columnist/Editor @ Vegas Valley News

7 个月

Freaking grow up

Charles Ramos Jr.

Building Inspector / Senior Staff Writer/Sports Columnist/Editor @ Vegas Valley News

7 个月

It's all about dividing, and conquering because there is no gender war. Unless you consider that it's being waged against the people accused of waging it. Let's cut the b s the time is too short For Mincing words. The right of every person to be who they want to be dance How they want to dance is already Is guaranteed by the Constitution, and people accused of making war against gender are the only ones with the actual temerity, or balls if you like, to stand up and defend those rights to the death. Just as they will defend their own. There is no right given nor implied by which any individual or group may violate the rights of another in order to assert theirs because that violates equal protection. If you say you have a right to be in a woman's locker room and the women say they don't believe so, then you have a stalemate. Yesterday, 2 men tied for silver in the 100 m. Individual men's swimming competition and at the Olympics in Paris, and both were awarded silver medals. That same governing body gave Leah Thomson a win in a tie over a biological female swimmer in a sanctioned event of no less magnitude. It's very clear to me that's a clear and blatant violation of all the rules of the game, and who was the victim of gender war.

Sam Panini

Transformation Strategist | Intrapreneur | Professional Amateur | Product, Operations & Alignment Engineer | Small Brand & Culture Geek | Cornell MBA

7 个月

Politics is downstream from culture which is downstream from power. Gender power and family dynamics have influenced American culture wars since James Callender wrote articles about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings in 1802.



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