What am I learning about healthy boundaries?
Recently I had an opportunity to once again learn about healthy boundaries. As I do my best to live and relate to myself, others and life in general from a place of practical spirituality and loving principles, boundaries is one aspect that still is challenging for me.
So, this morning I did a search on the topic of boundaries and spirituality, and found a sensible definition (I share the link also):
"Boundaries are What?
Personal boundaries are to protect and honor important parts of our lives amidst relationships. Like skin, they protect our delicate working parts underneath. They are defined by us to communicate what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behavior from others. Just as a fence protects our property from unwanted intruders, so do personal boundaries protect our selves."
I know that when someone violates a boundary it feels uncomfortable. And it happened to me. I have always been too careful expressing my feelings honestly at my own expense, and have stayed too long in unhealthy relationships, because I never want to hurt others' feelings.
But self-love and self-respect are primary for me now, and feeling like a victim or resentful is not healthy nor helpful. This incident has reminded me that allowing others to cross boundaries is detrimental and communicating this in a loving yet firm manner is healing for all involved.