"And What is Aleppo?": My Inner True Cries Out
Dr. Manuel "Manny" Losada, PsyD, J.D.
Teacher, writer, school counselor, philosopher poet. Over 1 million + post impressions (multiple posts) and over 7 million+pi on diff. topics; Cuban American; former Navy/USMC. Goals: Attend Harvard; practice law.
(The views expressed are of this writer’s ONLY, and not those affiliated with the writer, including employers, past or present).
God is not dead. In what turned out to be an uncomfortable moment for third party candidate Gary Johnson, by his not knowing what Aleppo was when asked in an interview on television, Aleppo (Syria) made the headlines, and its people, thank God, could receive the comfort (although a small dose) that they so badly need. First and foremost, on President Obama’s mind, I believe, because of the element of human suffering, the U.S. was able to broker a deal with Russia for a ceasefire, which will, hopefully, allow for badly needed supplies to get in, to, as Secretary Kerry has stated, “ease the suffering.”
When being asked by CNN about recent events in Syria, including the president, Assad, who has butchered and gassed tens of thousands of his own people, Representative and Trump supporter Dana Rohrabacher intimated that it didn’t really matter how brutal a dictator is, as long as it doesn’t hurt the United States. Another example of specious reasoning, because what happens out there, will inevitably come back to bite us; And, the U.S. has been able to receive the support (and admiration) from many around the world, including, in the war on terror, because we believe and practice, yes, exactly the opposite. Yet, this belief seems to be the driving force behind Trump’s foreign policy, and those individuals who seem to be of like mind: “As long as my life is okay”…
This is the same camp that has expressed repeated admiration for Putin and his cronies, taking completely out of context the venue from which Putin rules (a brutal dictatorship that eliminates those who disagree) by declaring leaders like Putin “more effective” than President Obama. Of course, an autocrat’s rule, in the literal sense of the word, his autonomy, is more “effective” if that autocrat’s ruthlessness is not considered in how he arrives at this “effectiveness.” Looks can be deceiving, as the clean cut vice presidential candidate Mike Pence, by lending credence to, and then doubling, tripling, quadrupling down (if you do it enough times, you’ll eventually believe the lie) on Trump’s comments (Pence knows he is fooling himself, or trying to), has now joined the ranks of those who deceive. In a recent political ad, comments, etc., Trump declares that “jobs have been sent abroad.” He wants to convince us that he will bring jobs back to the U.S. He can start with his own line of clothes. It’s not about what we say, it’s about what we do.
The inner Trump keeps crying out to us: “You have to be cruel to rule.” And although we hear, it seems that we don’t want to listen; to understand what this means. Being true, yet untrue, to their own ideals, Trump supporters want us to believe that Trump is more concerned about the “criminal” illegal immigrants (a very small number: why would anyone want to draw attention to themselves if they were “illegal”?) than those who are law-abiding (a strange twist of words, yet many of us, being beneficiaries of “exceptions,” know the U.S. to be not just the land of opportunity, but the land of second chances), when Trump has made it clear that there is “NO AMNESTY!” Those who surround him always want to make it seem that Trump didn’t say or mean what he said. Ambiguities and uncertainties, more than anything else in this world, cost lives.
The number of conflicting statements seems to be endless. And those are just the ones we have caught. The Trump camp surreptitiously makes it appear that the Constitution protects only privileges and immunities, or citizens, much like Justice Taney did years ago, one-hundred years before I was born, in sealing Dred Scott’s fate. The Constitution is clear: the terms “any person” are explicit in the text, and what’s protected is due process, while “equal protection” is afforded all people, “any person,” not just citizens. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments were made a part of the Constitution as a result of the struggle, the many sacrifices that both sides made during the Civil War, President Lincoln calling the Dred Scott decision the most “evil” of its time. And this party, the Republican party, with Donald Trump at the helm, wants to be known as the “party of Lincoln”? This is disrespectful to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice; and to which constructing buildings in a manner that profits oneself is not comparable, despite the candidate’s assertions.
The Constitution does not give a d. who you are. It is not a respecter of persons, but of conduct, and adheres to the ideal that we are all created equal. It never envisioned a ruling class, just the opposite. Yes, Thomas Jefferson and others were working hard behind the scenes to ensure that one day, slavery and class distinctions would be eradicated. To the dismay of some, unlike, I believe, a great majority of Americans, our founders did envision that one day blacks and whites would join together and hold hands, as equals. And yet, some of us (despite what our inner true is revealing to us) are acting as if power had been taken away from the wrong “class,” upon completion of the presidential elections preceding the current one. And likewise: How can we be true to the Constitution if arguably, due process requires a uniform set of rules that comprise illegal immigration policy, as explicitly required of Congress as part of its enumerated powers, to set uniform “naturalization” laws (Article I, sect. 8)? If Congress is not doing its job, then what should we expect of illegal immigrants? Should they follow Congress’ example?
And my inner true cries out, once again: if it were us, a mother who cries out for that badly needed vaccine for her child, and ultimately gets it, from the Clinton Foundation, would we be so quick to split hairs over whether there is a “connection” between donors of the Clinton Foundation, and those who sought (sic) meetings with the Secretary of State in an official capacity? I am not, in any way, condoning a quid pro quo, which has yet to be found, but shouldn’t we be looking at the whole picture? I am talking about not just emails, but Donald’s Trump’s tax returns (???), his ties to Russia, and the now defunct, Trump University, which stole (pilfered, hijacked, dispossessed, deprived, divested, etc.) allegedly, many of their hard earned cash. “And where are the Christians?” My inner true cries out in all of this: "Where are the Christians?"