What Are Air Filter Ratings?

What Are Air Filter Ratings?

Most of us might think of air filtration in terms of what we can see, such as dander and dust or flecks of lint caught in the sunlight. For the leading air filters like our Airmega models, however, the goal is to remove microscopic particles too small for the naked eye to see. How do you measure the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving that goal? There are a number of air filter ratings and certifications used within the industry to guide you. Here’s what to look for and what each one really tells you about your air filter performance.?

Demystifying the Air Filter Rating Terms

If you’re choosing an air purifier for the home, the priority might be to know how much space your air purifier can cover and how efficient it is in terms of energy consumption. For air filtration in office or business spaces, however, you’re responsible for the well-being of your staff and customers, so you’ll want to know exactly what your purifier is capable of removing from the air.?

Read on about official filter rating systems! https://shorturl.at/5rnWN



