What Is Aging And What Secret And Unique Steps We Could Do Now
Cover Book. Victor Gabriel Clatici MD.

What Is Aging And What Secret And Unique Steps We Could Do Now

In my activity as Dermatologist, one of the most frequent question what I received was ?when I have to start an anti-aging program?” My answer always started with the next words, based on many articles.

?Skin aging is a natural complex and continuous biological process, characterized by cellular and molecular changes, leading to cumulative structural and physiologic alterations and progressive changes in each skin layer, as well as changes in skin appearance, especially on the light-exposed skin areas.”

And every time, I started to become more granular and to describe and analyze every word:

-      ?natural” – these means that it is normal to age and is normal to find the best possibilities to look better longer,

-      ?complex and continuous” – respectively, we don't have ONLY one factor involved (and we don't have a magic button to activate), and we don't go to sleep as ?young” and wake up as ?old,”

-      ?cellular and molecular changes” – correspondingly, we don't have only ONE target of the aging process; these processes involve all our bodies and cells,

-       ?cumulative structural and physiologic alterations” – so each aggression (sun, smoking, sugar, stress, lack of sleep, etc.) is associated with tiny gradual destructions, first invisible and after visible modifications like enlarged pores and pigmented lesions, wrinkles, and fine lines,

-        ? changes in each skin layer” – respectively, each layer of skin is under siege, and the treatment must be a combination.

And, my answer is, ?you must start an anti-aging program yesterday, but it is ok to start now too.”

Victor Gabriel Clatici, MD


1. Zouboulis CC, Makrantonaki E. Clinical aspects and molecular diagnostics of skin aging. Clin Dermatol 2011;29:3-14.

2.Uitto J. Understanding premature skin aging. N Engl J Med 1997;337:1463- 1465.

3. Kligman LH. Photoaging: manifestations, prevention, and treatment. Clin Geriatr Med 1989;5:235-251.

4. Christos C. Zouboulis, Ruta Ganceviciene, Aikaterini I. Liakou, et al . Aesthetic aspects of skin aging, prevention, and local treatment. Clinics in Dermatology (2019) 37, 365–372.


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